Saturday, May 30, 2020

March 6, 2020, Friday of the First Sunday of Lent, Year A

Reading 1: EZ 18:21-28
Responsorial Psalm: 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7A, 7BC-8
Gospel: MT 5:20-26 Full Readings
Dear brethren, this second Friday of Lent, we are all invited to abstain from meat and if possible deny yourself some food and fast today, for the sake of that who don't have.
The reflection today bases on, if Lord would mark our iniquities then, who would stand.
Ezekiel assures us that if the wicked one turns from his evil deeds then he will not die but if the righteous one sins, then all the good which has done will be forgotten, and will die. This looks harsh, but we have to understand it deeply.
One day as I was reflecting on Mt 21:31,  I got many questions about it, how can prostitutes enter the kingdom first, before even the righteous, then I responded in this way. Prostitutes know nothing about sin, they have not been evangelised and so whenever they get to know about the gospel and what it requires and try change, they enter the kingdom for heeding to the gospel. However, us who truly know about the gospel and what it demands we have a high responsibility then them, and so we are expected to live a life pleasing to God then them. Danger comes when we who know what to do, do contrary, there we are doomed to death. This is why Ezekiel holds that a wicked man who turns from his ways will not die and a righteous who does contrary to what is expected of him, is judged more than the one who didn't know. God however in Jesus Christ showed his Mercy, and he marks not our iniquities but demand a humble and contrite heart, which of course does not make us to sin more, but to be more responsible and open for his Mercy.  This really emphasizes personal responsibility.
For if we know what to do and don't do it them we have the righteousness like that of Pharisees and unless our righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees, we cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Our righteousness to surpass that of Pharisees, we have to live in the most way of simplicity which includes forgiving others and asking for forgiveness, making peace with our brothers and sisters.
God does not need us to come to him when we are not in good terms with our neighbors, for God also works through our neighbors. So we should not pretend to go to church, give much offertory, sing dance, while in our hearts we are full of hatred, unforgiveness, envy, bad words, and many things against the gospel values in which we believe, we are doing more harm to ourselves brethren.
Let us be humble, truthful to ourselves and live an authentic life. We have been given more, we are demanded more. Let us remember that the small sins we do and we tend to ignore, become big and in a way our habits, which nullifies the Christianity in us, and contrary to what we believe.
Brethren, let us not have the righteousness like that of the Pharisees.
Be blessed

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