Monday, June 1, 2020

April 12, 2020, Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord, Year A

Acts 10:34a. 37-43,
Psalm 118: I-2, 15c- 17, 22-23,
Colossians 3:1-4,
John 20:1-9 Full Readings
Saint Teresa of Los Andes
 The Lord has Risen as He said! Alleluia!

Brethren, he is a live, he has risen from the dead, and so let us rejoice 

And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, approached, rolled back the stone, and sat upon it.  His appearance was like lightning and his clothing was white as snow. The guards were shaken with fear of him and became like dead men. Then the angel said to the women in reply, “Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said.  Matthew 28:2–6b 

What an experience that must have been!  Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb early in the morning to pay tribute to our Lord’s sacred body.
  They brought the oils and perfumes that they planned on placing on his beaten and bruised body. They came to offer Him their last act of love.  But as the women arrived, the earth quaked and the angel of God appeared to them.  

As they left, Scripture says they then left the tomb quickly, “fearful yet overjoyed.”  All they could think about was telling the other disciples of their encounter when another incredible joy befell them.  Jesus Himself met them on the way. In their amazement, the women fell at His feet and did Him homage. Not the homage they planned on doing to a dead body, but the homage due to a risen Savior.  They worshiped Him. Jesus then spoke: “Do not be afraid. Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me” (Mt. 28:10) 

It was Mary Magdala that first brought this good news. What a faithful disciple. All others were afraid and locked in the room but Mary had to pay homage to crucified Jesus. Women are always the channels of salvation. Let us imitate her and spread such good news to the whole world that Jesus is risen and death no longer has power on him. This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it for the Lord has fulfilled his promise. 

It was true.  All they had hoped for came true.  They saw Jesus arrested. They saw Him beaten.  They saw Him falsely accused. They saw Him sentenced to death.  And they saw Him die. Now for the miracle of miracles, they saw their Savior alive.  Every hope that they had came true. Everything came to fruition in that moment. All that was lost was restored a hundredfold. It will also be to us like this, when we have hope in him, we shall experience the resurrection experience in our lives.  Since we have been waiting and preparing our hearts for receiving this light of Easter and we have moved with Jesus like Mary Magdala all the way from his life words, deeds, miracles, passion, crucifixion, death, burial and now to his resurrection, as Peter recounts in first Reading, we are indeed sharers of the resurrection experience and we have received the light. May this  light continue to enlighten our minds and hearts so that we may always imitate Jesus.

The Resurrection of Christ is not simply an event that took place long ago.  It’s an event that continues to take place when we patiently walk with our Lord through the trials, crosses and sufferings of life, with hope and trust in His power to do all good things.  Evil always loses in the end when we remain steadfast in our hope in Him. All we are passing through are ways in which God wants to show his Glory as he allowed Jesus to suffer in order to show his power, glory, divine plans and his love for humanity . Even this Corona virus will end in Jesus name, the risen one who has brought life to us by rising from the dead. So don't be afraid for he is with us. He has a plan, a divine plan in our lives, let us not lose hope.

Reflect, today, upon the unfathomable plan that God has for your life.  Know that if you remain faithful until the end, our Lord will bring forth greater joys in your life than you could ever think possible.  It may not happen according to your schedule or your wishes, but it will happen in accord with His perfect divine will. Do not doubt. Do not be afraid.  Have hope and trust, and anticipate the moments when the power of the Resurrection brings forth the greatest joys you could ever imagine. All we need is to trust the Lord and have hope. 

 May we be people of resurrection, people of light and dispel every darkness in our lives, so that we may live a life pleasing to the Father. May this Easter be a new beginning in our lives, a beginning of a new chapter unlocking all our chances, gifts, talents, friends, doors to the divine and all locked by the devil in our lives. May we live to conquer all temptations by the light of this Easter as Jesus did and one day come to heaven to live with him and the Father in unity of the Holy Spirit singing praises to him unending with all the Angels 

Wish you and your family a blessed and happy Easter

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