Monday, June 1, 2020

April 18, 2020, Saturday in the Octave of Easter, Year A

Acts 4:13-21,
Ps 118:1 and 14- I5ab.15c-18.19-21,
Mark 16:9- 15 Full Readings
We cannot promise to stop proclaiming what we have heard and seen.

Brethren, today let us learn and Reflect on the boldness of the Apostles who despite all the threats and warnings they got not to speak in Jesus' name, could not stop proclaiming the Gospel of the resurrection, what they had seen and heard. This is because they were filled by the Holy Spirit after a great commissioning by the risen Lord on the time he appeared to them in the room. This boldness also comes after they believed in the resurrection. 

It follows therefore, that to give an authentic proclamation one has to believe in Christ's resurrection. The reason for the above statement is simple, "the driving power that carries missionaries around the world and sets Christ Church in motion is the faith that comes from the belief in the  resurrection" (Application Study Bible, notes of Mk 16:15).
Thus, to proclaim the good news is to proclaim the risen lord. There would be no church, no evangelisation, no proclamation, no preaching, no salvation from sins if there was no resurrection as St Paul notes in 1 Cor. 15:14, 17. 

We cannot therefore do anything in the name of Christ without believing in His resurrection, but only to live in fear, desperation, and in darkness. The perfect example is given today in the Gospel. Jesus is scolding his Apostles because of their unbelief. They could not believe in any of the testimonies given by those He appeared to before them until they saw themselves. They could not even recognize that the answers they sought were within them for they had heard from Jesus himself, that he would rise on the third and scriptures testified this. However their unbelief continues to cover them. Was it because they hardened their hearts? Hardening of heart is a threat to believing and therefore let us not harden our hearts to the voice and mysteries of God. 

It was this unbelief in the resurrection that the Apostles could not do anything like preaching in his name, doing miracles and proclaim the Gospel. Oftentimes in our lives this unbelief takes many of us. Many of us are just looking for miracles, instant signs and wonders so that we can believe. This is a big threat to our faith. That's why we see people leaving the church to look for pastors, who show off their power and claim it to be from Jesus. Brethren, we forget that there are a lot of unrecognizable miracles in us, starting with the fact that we live. No wonder, Jesus said, A wicked and faithless generation always seeking for signs, but no sign will be given to them apart from that of Jonah (Mt 16:4).This means going around looking for signs and wonders is a sign of lack of faith. God works in mysterious ways and he has his time,  He only desires love, trust and hope in Him, and all will be given unto you. Let us not be driven away by what we see, but let us concentrate on believing in God and building our spiritual eyes. 

The Gospel ends with great commissioning, after the disciples  had no other doubt in resurrection. The belief in resurrection moves them now to be witnesses to that light brought by the risen Lord. Brethren, this commissioning is for us all, we are expected to be witnesses of what we have seen, heard and got from Christ and then take it to others.

Today, how is the voice of the Lord telling you "Go to the whole world, proclaim the Good News to all creation" resounding to you, in your heart and how ready are you to start and renew this great mission. How far have you gone in proclaiming the Good News in your words, deeds and your life;  in your family, work, community and all the aspects of life. Remember all this presupposes belief in the resurrection. 

Let us pray today that the Lord may increase in us that faith of believing without seeing and belief in resurrection so that we may be able to be authentic witnesses of the Risen Lord whatever circumstances may be. May the Lord continue to guide us and may we be blessed forever. Amen 

Blessed Easter

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