Tuesday, June 2, 2020

April 22, 2020, Wednesday of the Second Week of Easter, Year A

Acts 5: 17-26,
Psalm 34: 2-3.4-5.6-7.8-9,
John 3: 16-21 Full Readings
Saved by Love

Brethren, the colloquium between Jesus and Nicodemus which we have heard for three days  now ends with showing us the love of God which he has for his people and the source of eternal life: perhaps the most well known verse in the Bible John 3:16 "God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life." Almost every Christian knows this verse but do we respond to that love!

What an amazing love God has for his people! What a caring God we have! All these are because  of Love. Brethren, love is the only tool for our salvation. If God never loved us, we would be doomed to die by now.
When you love someone, you must do everything to make sure that that person is happy and no harm touches him. This is ultimately shown by God, the ultimate love we ever received for our salvation.

We are all aware, especially Africans, of how important a child is to everyone one especially if he or she is the only one you have, you can do anything to protect the child. But God out of his love gives out his only beloved son for our Salvation, that is, to have eternal life for those who believe in him. 

Love is a powerful emotion one can never fully explain, it moves one to do extraordinary things even beyond one's potential. One is incomplete with love and even without the people he or she loves most, and it always as an inner force pushes us to find communion with others. However, the word love has been misused many times and many things are done wrongly in the name of love, but still as Christian we have to imitate the love that God gives, unconditional love. 

It hurts so much when one gives out his love and the other is not responding to that love. That's what happens to God when we don't cooperate in the love he shows us daily. If we human beings can be hurt to the extent we know and we have conditional love, what about God who loves unconditional?

The Gospel tells us that we have rejected light(Works of love shown by Jesus Christ) and preferred darkness.  Indeed in our world today darkness is taking over the light not because it's very powerful but because we have preferred it to light. Watch the news and you will testify what I am saying. We are hurting God who really loves us and we seem not to be interested. 

It's therefore an invitation today to reflect on our lives, where we are in darkness taking a lead where all your deeds are done in darkness. Where have I even put the other's light off so that we all are in darkness i.e. tempting or leading others to sin. Am I praying for the current situation in the world? How have I become a source of light to others and above all a promoter of life and human dignity? Where have I preferred darkness to light? 

Easter is the time to ponder on these and more questions about light and darkness in our lives and invitation today is to respond to the love given to us and walk in his light so that we may earn ourselves eternal life. Whoever does not believe in Jesus and walks in darkness is already condemned and has no hope in eternal life. Therefore repent and believe in the Gospel. May the Lord continue to bless forever. Amen. 

Blessed Easter season

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