Tuesday, June 2, 2020

April 24, 2020, Friday of the Second Week of Easter, Year A

Acts 5:34-42,
Psalm 27:1.4. 13- 14,
John 6: 1- 15) Full Readings
Fed by His Divine Providence
Brethren, today's Gospel message of feeding the 5000 men reflects the real heavenly banquet which God will give us when we are all gathered there (Jesus' miracles were all pointing to what it will be like in the kingdom of God), but also reflects the sharing of the Eucharistic banquet when we are all gathered as a people and as mystical body of Christ, the church. Through his divine Providence, God is always feeding us with his word, the spiritual food as well as providing our physical needs. Today's message is therefore centred on trusting in the Divine Providence.

Most of the time you hear from people saying God will provide, and at first I would not really figure it out but with further reflection I found out that really God provides, however not without our efforts.
In the Gospel today we see a crowd going to listen to Jesus, they were not going for physical food but thirsted for Jesus' words. But Jesus double feeds them with the word, the spiritual food and with physical food in abundance. What does this mean to us? God will always provide if we thirst for him, if we long to be in communion with him. No need to worry on what to eat, drink or put on but if we are in a spiritual communion with God, he will always provide. Seek first the kingdom of God (not physical food, clothes money, power, etc) and all other things will be given unto you. 

God can also put us to test as he did to Philip. The Gospel tells us that he knew what to do but asked Philip about what to do for five 5000 men to test him to see if he would believe in divine Providence, that is, to provide for them food with two hundred denarii.  Why did he test Philip? 

It’s not that Jesus is curious about what Philip will say.  And it’s not that He is just playing games with Philip.  Rather, He is seizing this opportunity to let Philip manifest His *faith*. Most times God gives us tests so that we can manifest and show that faith in him that everything is possible to him. Philip would not pass the test because he couldn't think of the presence of Jesus who can multiply 200 denarii to whatever he wants. Andrew came in to save the situation with five loaves of bread and two fish, but he didn't also realize that Jesus can multiply them however, he showed little faith in him which was enough for Jesus to feed them with five loaves of bread and two fish.

Most times when faced with tests and trials, we think that God has abandoned, and refuse to think about his presence in our lives and that his presence can change our situations to the best. We even lack a little faith like that of Andrew so that a miracle can happen in our life, and therefore today is an invitation for us to have faith in God and to believe that with that faith God will always provide for us.

As we have seen for Divine Providence to take place in our lives, thirsting and having faith in God are presuppositions but it also requires to do something practical which is like the initiator of that Providence. In the Gospel, it was the little that the boy had which made the great miracle happen. What do you have as a person that God will base on to provide for you?

 This is the reason why for us who believe in Divine Providence should not sit back, sleep and relax and wait for God to provide. We are all aware of the statement, _God helps those who help themselves_ and it is absolutely true. For God to provide for us we must first show our efforts and even if we have little he will multiply it. 

It follows therefore, that if you need good health, take care of yourself, if you need money, work with all your efforts in a right way, if you need love, love others, if you need to be given, give others too, if you need a good wife, be good yourself, good to others and pray for a good wife, if you need a job make an effort to find it, if you need success in studies work hard, if you need to be forgiven, forgive  and be determined and to mention but a few. If you have finished doing your part leave the rest for God, he will provide (and even in abundance so that you share with others, don't be selfish) if you are being guided by faith in him. Nothing will stop what God wants for you apart from yourself. 

Let us then Reflect on divine Providence today and pray that the good Lord may always provide for us as we place our trust in him. May he increase in us the gift of so that we may always feel the presence of the risen Christ among us and his Providence. As God provides for us, may we also be generous to others In need and may we be blessed forever. Amen.

Blessed Easter season

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