Tuesday, June 2, 2020

April 30, 2020, Thursday of the Third Week of Easter, Year A

Acts 8:26-40,
PSALM 65(66):8-9,16-17,20),
John 6 :41 -51 Full Readings
Being Drawn to Jesus.

Brethren, today Jesus explicitly says that nobody can come to Him, unless he is drawn by the Father who sent Him. This statement tells us that our communion with Jesus, our love for him and our meeting him in prayer, his word and in the most Holy Eucharist is not of our own making. It's only God who grants us that chance, who draws us to Jesus and is in communion with Him and at last as he promises in the Gospel, raises us up with him.

Brethren, it is by Grace of God that we have known Jesus Christ, that we love him and rejoice in his saving mission for us. It is always God who takes initiative to draw us to Jesus his Son.
Therefore, to have an authentic relationship with Christ, we have to let God take the first step in our relationship. This however, does not mean that we have to be passive, our role is to respond to that relationship, to God's voice which calls us daily through his Word, through his chosen ones and through any way he chooses, and this is a call to believe in his Son so that we may have eternal life.

Jesus today further emphasizes that he is the bread of life, the true bread. He is the true bread from heaven, a fulfillment of the manna that our forefathers ate in the desert. As our forefathers ate manna from heaven and  were sustained and strengthened in the desert and on their journey to the promised Land, so is how the bread that Jesus gives sustains us in the journey of this world especially our spiritual journey. 

Brethren, the only difference between the manna and the bread that Jesus gives(his body) is that those who are manna died but for us who eat the body of Christ and drink his blood shall never die, and so it not only sustains us in this life but also in the life to come. In a way we are luckier than our fore fathers and so let us use this gift to attain eternal life. It's our duty also to announce and bring this Good News to every one as Philip did in the first Reading by baptising the Ethiopian Eunuch, so that we all attain that everlasting life.

Reflect today on how you have let God take control in your life. How have you been able to listen to God's voice calling you to believe in his Son and respond to it appropriately? How deep is your love and devotion to the God's Word  Eucharist which grants us eternal life? How have you been able to carry the Good News of eternal life in Jesus to others? We also ask Saint Pope Pius V that as he was able to lead the Church of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, we may also be sharers of the Kingdom which he enjoys today. 

Let us pray.
Lord help me always to listen to the voice of God  which invites me to believe in His Son and respond to it always. May my love for Jesus increase every day as I meet him in His Word and Eucharist. We thank you for this month April which has ended and we ask your blessings in the new month of Rosary and may our Mother intercede for us and the whole world especially in this time of Pandemic Corona Virus. Amen

Be blessed forever and Wish you a happy New month: May the month of Rosary. Pray Rosary everyday.

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