Friday, June 19, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: June 20, 2020, Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Year A

2 Chronicles 24: 17-25, Ps 89:4-5,29-34, Luke 2:41-51 Full Readings

Saint Paulinus of Nola

The Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Today we celebrate and honor the memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary as we honored the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus yesterday. The two go in hand. As we saw yesterday, Jesus' heart represents God's divine love for humanity and  is where mercy and Love for humanity flows. The Heart of Mary  represents and is the perfect model of responding to God's love as human beings. In responding to God's love, Mary accepted to carry the Child Jesus in her womb, gave birth to Him, raised Him and passed through all the pain by receiving a heart piercing message from Simeon, by searching for her lost son in Jerusalem and by seeing her son die on the cross. Mary's experience with Jesus was not easy but she didn't regret and give up.

Today's Gospel tells us that she kept all these things at heart (Luke 2:51b). However her heart remained Immaculate for it was where God dwells, and means it remained pure and a source of Mother's love for all humanity. Mary is the mother of us all in order of Grace (CCC 968) and her mother's love never fades. Just as a mother cannot forget her child, Mary cannot forget us and she is always ready to help whenever we turn to her, she is keeping us in her immaculate heart. 

When Mary and Joseph found Jesus in the temple listening and asking questions to the learned, and how Jesus responded to her, she would have scolded Jesus, but she didn't, she kept everything at heart. Mary's heart was a place of encountering God, contemplating God's word and  also for looking for solutions with the motherly affection. What do we use our hearts for? For meditating on God's words and answer His call or for plotting evil and hatred? It is an invitation today to reflect on what occupies our hearts. 

Let us contemplate on Mary's heart which is full of love, and ask her to always intercede for us as our Mother. When we pass through Mary our prayers are answered just as when the children want something from their father, they most times pass through the mother. As Mary opened her heart for the word of God, let us also open our hearts that God will speak to us and allow him to take charge of our lives and use us for His greater glory. Let us also ask Mary to intercede for us that as she managed to pass through all difficult situations and pain as she saw her son suffering, we too may also have that strength to overcome difficulties and pains in life. 

Let us Pray. 
Hail Mary, you are full of Grace. May that grace always be inspiration for us to strive for holiness and may your intercession always by your motherly love obtain for us what we ask from God. Amen

Be blessed and May the Immaculate Heart of Mary intercede for us.

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