Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: June 25, 2020, Thursday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

2 Kings 24:8-17,
Psalm 79:1-2.3-5.8.9,
Matthew 7:21-29  Full Readings

 Doing the Will of God.

Brethren, Jesus in today's Gospel challenges us that "Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven but only the one who does the will of my Father in Heaven." (Mat 7:21). This challenge comes at the end of Jesus' direct teachings in the Sermon on the Mount, before we go to His parables in the sermon. This challenge is followed by an encouragement to build our houses on strong rock foundations so that nothing can shake them, this is building our house foundations on  Christ, who is our rock.

You will agree with me that Christianity is not a profession but a practice, we must practice Christianity in word and deed not calling ourselves just Christians. This is what we call doing the will of God from which as Jesus assures that we will enter the kingdom of heaven. 

Doing the will of God is putting all Christian values in action, if Christianity teaches to love one another, then we should love one another, if Christianity teaches to serve others, then we should serve others. The practice is two way, both the teacher or preacher and the one being preached to. If someone preaches and doesn't practice what he or she preaches, then probably might fall under those who just say Lord Lord alone without practicing what they preach. 

To the one being preached, he or she has no excuse of not knowing what to do because it has been told to him or he. He or she is expected to practice what Christ teaches through His servants and the word of God itself. Brethren, it is a shocking surprise if we are the ones who have been going to celebrate masses daily, joining choirs, preaching to others and saying Lord Lord every day and then Jesus says "I don't Know you." It's a shocking experience and that's why Jesus warns us before we appear in front of His judgment seat in order that it may not catch us abrupt and say we were not told. 

This passage teaches that it is not the number of times we celebrate mass, or we go to church, or we sing, or we preach or even fast that will take us to the kingdom of Heaven. It is practicing what we preach and say. St James tells us very clearly: “Be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves” (1:22). Being a doer of the word of God is  a real ideal life for a true Christian. 

Doing the word of God corresponds to building our houses on the strong rock foundation. The house that Jesus speaks of is our lives. If we want our lives to be strong both spiritually and physically, we have to entrust ourselves to Christ who is the rock. When we remove Christ from our lives, then we are not in any way stronger and we are easily washed away by storms and floods of the world. 

The truth is that storms and floods which are the pleasures of this World, come to everyone whether you are on a strong foundation or not. But the difference is that for us who have our foundations in Jesus Christ, shall remain firm, the storms will just pass and even in heaven, the Lord will welcome us as His faithful servants. Then for those who are not founded in Christ but in the  world, will be washed away and even in heaven, the Lord will say, " I don't know you," then we are all aware where we shall be taken to. 

Brethren, today we are presented with two choices: Where do you want to build  your house:  on the rock and be strong in this life and have eternal life in the life to come or you want to build on sand where floods and storms will wash it away and also Jesus to deny you in the next life? Reflect on these questions and pray that your house will be built on a strong foundation which is your choice. Reflect also on how you practice what you say and preach to others. Remember for you to be a true Christian, you have to practice what you say and preach. 

Let us pray
Lord Jesus place your will in my life so that whatever I do will be according to that will. With  this I know that I have built my house on a strong foundation and that I cannot be shaken. Amen

Be blessed

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