Friday, June 26, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: Saturday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A.

Lamentations 2:2.10-14.18-19,
Psalm 74: 1-2.3-4.5-7.20-21,
Matthew 8:5-17 Full Readings

 Lord, I am not Worthy

It is significant that after the first healing story of the Jewish leper comes the healing of the gentile centurion’s servant – not necessarily a Roman centurion, for there is no trace of Roman soldiers in Galilee at the time; the territory was ruled by Herod Antipas, who may well have used foreign mercenaries. Matthew is telling us that Jesus came to save and heal not only Jews but gentiles as well. This was not the case with the Jewish thought, they thought the Messiah was to come only for them, and in fact they might have been astonished to see Jesus conversing with a Gentile for Gentiles were considered pagan and Jews as chosen people of God. Jesus however shows that he came for all.

This clearly means that whoever believes in Jesus and has faith like that of the centurion will be saved. The faith of the centurion which we see in today's Gospel is very extraordinary. The centurion was one of the Jews and indeed he knew that he would not mingle with them. Moreso, he was a man in authority and many times he would misuse it and so considered himself unworthy to receive a holy man like Jesus nor talking to Him. But he had faith in Jesus that he would heal his servant even by a mere word. That's why he says, "Lord I am not Worthy to have you under my roof, just give a word and my servant will be cured." 

This is a familiar phrase which we repeat severally as we prepare ourselves to receive Holy Communion. It is a statement of great humility and recognition of one's unworthiness to receive the body and blood of Christ. However, sometimes we just say it as a routine without internalising it and get it's deeper meaning. Today let us reflect on it and see how deep and spiritual it is. 

First of all, like a centurion, we recognise our unworthy status to receive Christ. We may not be in authority like the one of the centurion but we do many unholy things of which do not merge with God. Recognising this is the beginning of our healing. None of us is indeed worthy of that grace, but when we humble ourselves and say we are not worthy, Jesus comes in us as we are so that he can transform us. Therefore when we are saying this statement before communion we must say it with great humility and consciously.

This in turn should make us be grateful to Jesus always for He comes to us as we are. We are not part of the Jews but He still comes to us. This is the great love and compassion that Jesus shows to us every day. However, this should not be an opportunity for us to continue sinning thinking that, after all Jesus will come to us as we are provided we say  "Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say a word and my soul shall be healed."  No this shouldn't be the case, otherwise we will be testing Jesus' love. We should always try to avoid sin and any occasion of sin.

Secondly, this statement shows our trust in Jesus that He can do all things by His power. The centurion knew that even if Jesus goes to his house or not, He will heal his servant by a mere word if Jesus wills. This is great trust the centurion had in Jesus. This great trust should be an inspiration for us Christians, to put more trust in Jesus than we put to any other. It is this trust that will make us have the faith that moves mountains which in Jesus' name we shall perform the same works he performed. 

Thirdly, the action of the centurion today teaches us to be humble. Most times we think that humility is for the weak, but this is not the case. We have to be humble before God whether we are honorable people, or a person with authority, or an elder, or the young and everyone. Recognising that we are human beings and we  sometimes make mistakes and that we need to kneel before God and say that we are not worthy even to reach this day, is an act of inner strength which brings us healing and strengthens our relationship with God. Otherwise if we remain with our pride, we are going to lose the kingdom of God as Jesus says in the gospel: "I say to you, many will come from east,and west and will recline with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at the banquet in heaven...and the children of the kingdom thrown into outer darkness..." We are the children of the kingdom but if we remain in our pride, it will be taken away from us.

Reflect today on the humility, trust and faith of the centurion. Can any one say to you: 'In the whole of your place, he has never seen a person of faith like you? Can you be able to pray a prayer of the centurion with the same faith, humility and trust? Pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide you as you examine yourself.

Let us pray
Lord, I thank you for always coming to me though I am not worthy. May you always guide me as I strive to make myself worthy before you my God and King. Amen. 

Be blessed

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