Friday, June 12, 2020

June 13, 2020, Memorial of Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church, Year A

1 Kings 19:19-21,
Psalm 16: 1-2a and 5.7-8.9- 10,
Matthew 5 :33-37 Full Readings

 Being Honesty.

Today's Gospel presents to us Jesus' interpretation of the instruction of the Jewish Law (Exodus 20.7) concerning the matter of truth-telling which was confined to oaths, not openly including more casual statements. This is also confined in the eighth commandment which instructs us not to bear false witness. 

In the Old Testament, truth telling was to be proved by taking an oath and even swearing to God. Jesus however, forbids this in today's Gospel, not because He doesn't want people to speak the truth but teaching us to be honest in every thing but most especially in our words. With this teaching, there is no need of any oath or swearing to prove that we say the truth.

What does Jesus teach us about being Honesty?
Honest according to Jesus is letting your Yes be Yes and your No be No. This in short is making informed decisions aided of course  by the power of the Holy Spirit. It's being consistent in what we are speaking and in decisions we are making. We are sometimes inclined to be taken away by different points of views and we end up not making informed decisions and speak without consistency and truth. As an individual, one needs to have his or her stand but a truthful stand. This means one also needs to accept correction from others.

Brethren, there is power in our words; what comes from our mouth can either build if it's true or destroy if it's false and this falsity is identified by Jesus to be coming from the evil one. Brethren, which words come from our mouths? The truth or falsity? 

As Christians we are supposed to speak the truth and only the truth. It's quite unfortunate that many of us Christians are leading liars. We even reach the extent of swearing on the name of God, even using the name of God where in our filthy situations. Let's not misuse the name of God, God is the Holy of the Holiest and so profaning His name is one of the greatest sins we can ever do. 

Our invitation today is to be people of honest and integrity. With these virtues we can earn trust both in front of God and of people. We don't need even to give any proof or swear if we are people of integrity. This should be used mostly in our evangelisation, speaking and telling people the truth will only be enough to evangelise the world. 

St Anthony of Padua whose memorial we celebrate today, used the power of the word and language with his eloquence to win many souls for Christ. Following his example let us use our special gift among all creatures: the gift of language, to bring the kingdom of God here on earth. Let us not use our language to bring misfortune to people, to discourage, to curse, to bring down, to gossip and above all to tell lies. 

Reflect today on how truthful you are in your words? Does what you say bring life or destruction? How are you using the special gift of language which God gave us? Pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit that you will daily grow in honest and integrity.

Let us pray. 
Lord, may I always be honest in my words and may words be constructive, authoritative and of bringing the kingdom of God. Amen

Be blessed


  1. May God always help me to be truthful. Amen

  2. Good and inspiring work. Thanks for using your giftedness to the service of humanity.

    1. Thanks for the appreciating. Your prayers are needed
