Thursday, June 4, 2020

June 2, 2020, Tuesday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

2 Peter 3:12- 15a. 17-18,
Psalm 90:2.3-4.10.14,
Mark 12: 13-17 Full Readings

Waiting for a New Heaven and Earth 
Brethren, at Pentecost, we received the Holy Spirit as Jesus had promised us and the church was officially born. Apart from the promise of the Holy Spirit, He also promised to come back and take us with Him for he went to prepare for each one a room in His Father's house. 

With this promise, St Peter in the first reading gives us what is expected of us and the church in general so that when the Lord comes back, in a New Heaven and a New Earth, He will find us worthy to enter to behold that glory. So then when we are waiting for that day to come, which will come like a thief, what shall we be doing so that it finds us worthy?
Firstly as St Peter  tells us today, we have to live a spotless life, life of righteousness and a sinless life. Brethren, we as humans are inclined to sin but this should not be our excuse for sinning, we should try by all means to avoid sin and any occasion of sin. This is achieved when we heed to God's word and the church's teaching which never lies. We also need to put in use of our human reason to see if what really we are doing is pleasing to God, to ourselves and also to our fellow human beings. If we live by this conviction that day will find us prepared and worthy to behold. 

Secondly, is to live in peace, love and harmony with God and with one another and above all exercising patience. Our God is a God of peace, love, harmony and patience and so worthy are those who exercise those virtues for they will behold the New Heaven and New Earth. Brethren, we don't know when that day will come and so St Peter warns us not to be taken away by anything like unprincipled people, false prophets which Jesus also warns us against, worldly situation and desires; instead we should wait patiently for that day and use that patience as an opportunity to be saved, to do more good works so that we will be worthy for it. 

Thirdly, Jesus in the Gospel gives us a good teaching, to give Caesar what belongs to him and to God what belongs to him. As we await for that day to come, we should have a discernment of what belongs to God and Caesar (world). Once we have done that God must take priority in our lives. 

What belongs to God? Everything belongs to God apart from evil and what brings it. Our bodies belong to God and our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. From the beginning we were stamped with God's image since we are created in his own likeness (Genesis 1:26-27). We rightfully belong, not to ourselves, but to God who created us and redeemed us in the precious blood of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ (see 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Paul the Apostle also says that we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1). We therefore have no right to use our bodies for evil.

This also applies to everything we have, we should use them in a way of giving glory to God, not for doing evil and not for attending to worldly desires. In this way we are even able to eliminate Evil in the world and our God will find us living in peace. 

Reflect today on how ready you are for the final day when Jesus comes back in glory. How would He find you? Worthy or unworthy? How do you differentiate between what belongs to the world and what belongs to God? Do you give to God what is due His? Spend sometime in silence and pray for the Graces you need to be worthy for Heavenly Glory.

Let us pray
My God and Lord, I belong to you. Take my mind, soul, body and all what I have. Let them be entirely yours and use them for your glory and may I remain steadfast and firm in faith as I wait for a New Heaven and a New Earth. Amen

Be blessed.

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