Thursday, June 4, 2020

May 20, 2020, Wednesday of the Sixth Week of Easter, Year A

Acts 17: 15.22-18:1,
Psalm 148:1-2.11-12.13.14,
John 16:12-15 Full Readings

The Spirit of Truth.
Today, Jesus continues with His farewell words to his Apostles as well as His promise of the Holy Spirit and today, He introduces this Spirit under the title Spirit of Truth as he says: “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.”  John 16:12–13

One of the fundamental roles of the Holy Spirit is to show and lead us to the truth and to inspire us to live for the truth.
This truth is neither created by us nor even discovered by our own powers, it is the truth that comes from God, which is God Himself, for God is Truth and in Him there is no falsehood. It follows therefore, if we have to know everything about God, and his Son Jesus who is the way, the truth and the Life, we need the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit we live in ignorance and ignorance is the worst threat to faith and even in our daily living.

Ignorance is a great weapon used by the devil. It is opposed to truth and knowledge. People are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Ignorance can make someone place priority in the wrong place or mistake a blessing for a curse or a creature for the Creator. Ignorance of God and Christ is disbelieving in God. Therefore the fundamental role of the Spirit is to reveal to us the full Truth so that we walk in the right direction, doing the right thing, and living a morally upright life which is Christ Centred.

Why did Christ say that the Spirit will lead you to complete truth, and did not tell them everything at that time? Firstly, he says it was too much for them to bear but also Christ had in mind the future generations; he was not going to be in the world forever. He knew generations and cultures will be changing from time to time, and in each generation and cultures, it is the role of the Holy Spirit to reveal the same truths which He Himself had revealed from the Father, in a relevant and easy way in which people can understand.

That's why we speak about inculturation. It is the Spirit that helps religious leaders and all Gospel heralds to make relevant the same truths revealed by Jesus 2000 years ago, to fit our situations, in our cultures and in our generations. Otherwise, the Gospel of that time would be irrelevant today. It's the same Spirit also that raises up people like Mandela to stand for truth and Justice in our civil societies. 

In the first reading, we see the very act of inculturation. Paul uses the altar of an unknown God which the Greeks had and called it the altar of the True God, the God of Israel. He used what was in their midst, to proclaim God and many believed. It's most probable that if he had not used that altar in their midst they would not have believed Him and in His God. This is an invitation to us missionaries too. We should always try to inculturate the Gospel into our cultures so that it speaks to us easily without changing the meaning of the Gospel message. However, this needs the aid of the Holy Spirit to translate such a message, without Him we lead others astray.

Brethren, let us therefore open our hearts to the guidance of the Spirit to reveal to us the truth and to always make all things new. It is the same Spirit that made Apostles speak in tongues, went around doing miracles and preaching the Gospel, that we also receive today, that lives in us. When we open to Him, we shall surely know the truth which is God Himself and that truth will set us free, be happy in life of this world and in the one to come. All that is taught to us by the Spirit is surely of Jesus, the Spirit is the real presence of Jesus; rejecting the Spirit, is rejecting Jesus and thus self condemnation.

Reflect today, on how you live a life led by the Spirit: that's the life of Truth. Do you allow yourself to be taught by the Spirit? In spreading the word of God, do you use inspiration from the Holy Spirit or your personal thoughts? Spend some time in silence and pray for the necessary Graces you need to live a truthful life.

 Let us pray.

Renew in us Lord the fire of the Holy Spirit so that we may open our mind and hearts to live daily to His guidance. May the same Spirit lead us daily to complete the truth which only comes from you. Amen

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