Thursday, June 4, 2020

May 25, 2020, Monday of the Seventh Week of Easter, Year A

Acts 19:1-8,
Psalm  68:2-3.4-5ac 6-7ab,
John 16:29-33) Full Readings

Have you come to believe in Jesus?
Today's Gospel reading brings to a conclusion the second version of the discourse after the Last Supper which began at John 15.1. It concludes with an inspiring re-assurance of the certainty of the teaching which has been given. The themes of this discourse are love and belief, which have been constant throughout the teaching of Jesus which we have read in the weeks of Paschaltide. Now the disciples are to be scattered over the earth on their mission, but they can still rest secure in Jesus because of his union with the Father. We are ready for the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost.

The disciples today surprise Jesus that with all this time He had been teaching them, they had not believed but believed at last. The disciples believed at last that Jesus was really Son of God and that He came from God because He was no longer speaking in metaphors and tongues. It's obvious that nobody was really understanding Jesus' parables and metaphors even His disciples until He started speaking plainly. Ignorance and misunderstanding is always a threat to faith which we should try to eliminate in our lives. 

The question of Jesus to His disciples " Do you believe at last?" also comes to us though in an infected way: "Have you come to believe in Jesus? It's an invitation to reflect deeply on this question. Then if it's Yes, why have you come to believe in Jesus?

Brethren, It's always good to know the reason why you are doing something. Knowing the reason gives you a reason to continue doing it with enthusiasm, despite any situations. We have to know why we believe in Jesus. Is it because others do so? Is it because of personal experience with Jesus? Have you heard His message and become convinced? Have you come to the knowledge of Christ? Reflect on these questions so that your belief in Jesus will increase.

However brethren, believing in Christ and becoming a Christian is very easy. The difficult thing is to live as a Christian in any situation of life. Brethren if you have come to believe in Jesus then be ready to live as Jesus lived, in short to live as a Christian. That's why Jesus quickly points out to them that, though they believe now, there will be a time that comes soon when almost everyone will abandon Him, when they are scattered, and they will leave Him alone.  This was obviously a prophesy of His coming persecution and Crucifixion. 

In our context, there is no real crucifixion of Jesus and that's why it is also an invitation today to reflect on what aspects and situations of life may lead you to abandon Jesus. Be aware of them and pray for strength and courage to overcome such situations and to stay firm in faith in Jesus because without Jesus we cannot do anything but with Him we can conquer the world as He conquered it.

Reflect today on these fundamental questions: Have you come to believe in Jesus?  How deep is that faith?  And why do you believe?  Are you ready and willing to hold on to that faith no matter what comes your way?  Are you ready to follow Him even if it’s difficult and unpopular?  Are you ready to suffer as a result of your faith? Pray for the Holy Spirit to aid you as you Reflect on your life in Jesus.

Let us pray.
Grant me God firm faith and belief in Jesus and may this faith lead me to conquer the world and its  pleasures. Amen

Blessed Easter Season and don't forget to pray Novena to the Holy Spirit

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