Thursday, June 4, 2020

May 28, 2020, Thursday of the Seventh Week of Easter, Year A.

Acts 22:30; 23 :6- 11,
Psalm 16:1-2a and  5.7-8.9-10.11,
John 17:20-26 Full Readings

Mutual love among us, Jesus and God.
Today's Gospel reading presents to us the final part of Jesus' Priestly Prayer. In this final part of the high priestly prayer of Jesus, he suddenly turns from concern for the circle of his disciples to concern for the wider circle of future disciples, and prays for their unity. The unity of the disciples was to be a sign not only horizontally, a sign of their love for one another, but also vertically, a sign of the love of Jesus for them and the mutual love of Jesus and the Father. It was to be a sign for the world, ‘that the world may believe that you sent me’.

Jesus concludes His prayer for Humanity praying for love and unity not only among us His disciples but also a vertical love among us with the heavenly throne where God the Father and the Son sit. This love and unity will of course be spearheaded by the Holy Spirit whom we are soon to receive. The Holy Spirit is to reveal to us all what Jesus didn't tell us about God and to promote mutual love among us which will promote the unity which Jesus prays for. 

Jesus' prayer also foretells the continuation of  His mission which will be carried on by His disciples. This is seen as He prays for those who through the words of Apostles and disciples will believe in Him. He is aware that many will come to believe in  Him of which our generation is part. We were therefore prayed upon by Jesus Himself even before we knew Him and when we believe in Him, He continues to make His glory known in us and He comes in us too. We should therefore rejoice in that and take part in spreading the Good News of Christ for others to believe too.

In this prayer Jesus teaches us a beautiful thing: to pray for others. How often do you pray for others whether they have asked you or not, whether you know them or not? Praying for others is one way of showing Love to them, of wishing them well and being united with them and feeling with them in the situation they are in. It is one way of reaching out to people whom we can't see or even know. It also benefits us and brings blessings to our lives especially when we pray for our enemies as Jesus commands us. Brethren, most of the blessings we have are not because of our prayers or our merit but simply because someone is on his or her knees praying for us everyday and so we also ought to do it for others so that God will bless us in return. 

Above all we should always pray for love and unity among all the Christian and with others. 
There is a story that in extreme old age the Apostle John would be carried into the Christian assembly and asked to give them a saving message. All he would say was, ‘Love one another’. And also that at the early martyrdom the spectators would say, ‘See how these Christians love one another!’ We shall show the glory of God when we love one another and they will know we are Christians by our love and unity.

Our invitation today is to keep that love and unity among us as Christians and with  God the Father and His Son with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and also to pray both for ourselves and others so that blessings will abound. Reflect today on how you have kept love for one another and Love for God. And may your prayer always be of love and unity in the whole world. 

Let us Pray.
Increase in us your love almighty God so that we may show that love to one another and that we who wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit may be united with Him as we all come to the heavenly throne. Amen.

 Blessed Easter Season and don't forget to pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit

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