Saturday, July 11, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: July 12, 2020, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Reading 1 IS 55:10-11,
Responsorial Psalm PS 65:10, 11, 12-13, 14,
Reading 2: ROM 8:18-23,
Gospel MT 13:1-23 OR 13:1-9 Full Readings

 Receiving the Word of God.

After finishing our reflection on the Mission Discourse of Jesus, today we start Jesus parables and sayings which he uses and derives  daily images known to us to convey His teachings. For the next three weeks we have some of these pictures, to show us what Jesus is trying to do. Jesus never used abstract things to preach about the Kingdom of God but our daily experiences. Like any good teacher, Jesus uses pictures – or parables. These helped to understand the Kingdom more for those who had ears to hear.

Today's Gospel presents to us the first image of a shower who went to sow. Some seeds fell on the path and were pecked by the birds, some on the rocky ground and were scorched by the sun, some in the thorns and withered because of lack of roots and others on good soil and brought forth a hundredfold. Surprisingly, Jesus meant how we receive the word of God and how it has power in our lives if we receive and live it. This power is also emphasized in the first reading. 

We are accustomed to seeing the effects of Advertising. When youngsters see ways of dressing or combing their hair in films or on TV, they imitate them immediately and easily because they have passion for them. But, Why is the Gospel so slow in entering our hearts? Jesus tells us that it depends on the soil. This soil is our hearts, the way we open our hearts to the word of God is the way it bears fruit in our lives. If we open them wide open for the word of God to enter and rule, then we shall bear much fruits but if we close them, then, we shall bear no fruit. 

The types of soil (hearts) which Jesus talks about in the Gospel today can reflect our hearts and let us take time today to examine ourselves. What makes us receive the word of God and live it and on the other hand what takes away that Word from us. Jesus tells us that some seeds are pecked up by birds, others scorched by the sun, and others choked by thistles or thorns. What are my pecking birds, my scorching sun, my choking thistles which annihilate the seed Jesus sows in me? Realising these will enable us appreciate the Word of God more.

Brethren, Jesus sowed a seed in us and is always sowing in us. This seed is the Word of God. As a sower expects rich harvest after sowing, so is Jesus expecting the fruits of His seed down in us. At last, there must be something you and I can show to the Lord with pride and gratitude: ‘Look, this is the seed you gave me; it has grown, developed, and here is your harvest’. Jesus, too, reflected on his mission to establish his Father’s sovereignty on earth. Jesus, too, got depressed and wondered if he was getting anywhere. It was only when he had failed utterly, alone, deserted and tortured, that his perseverance won the crown. Jesus doesn’t want the successful; He wants the failures as His followers  and that is where the harvest lies.

The first reading tells us that the Word of God is so powerful and doesn't come to us and leave no effect. This Word of God is Jesus who came to earth to bring God's Kingdom and indeed He brought it. After doing His part, he sowed in us and so let us make sure we bear fruit by living out the Word of God and the Gospel values. This is done when we allow our hearts to be good soil for the word of God to grow in us. 

If we have done this, at last, with all creation, we shall rejoice as we see the Glory of God. The second reading tells us that all creation is eagerly waiting for God's Glory. Not only ourselves, but the whole of creation is renewed and re-created by the Spirit. This is a new reason for renewed human beings to care for God’s creation. In the first place we were created in the image of God to further and to complete his creation. Now, re-created as adopted children and heirs of God, our responsibility is increased and intensified. As yet, we have only the first-fruits of the Spirit, but first-fruits make sense and have their value only in view of the fullness and completion of the harvest.

Reflect today on how you receive the Word of God in your life. Do you put effort to understand the word of God so that Evil will not take it away from you as birds peck seeds which fall on pathways? Does the Word of God have roots in you or it will be scorched by the sun as seeds on the rock? Do you allow worldly lures and pleasures choke the seed of the word of God in you? Are the good soil where the word of God flourishes and produces fruits? How do you take care of creation? Pray for the spirit to make the word of God flourish in you.

Let us pray.
Lord, by grace, let nothing take away, scorch or choke the seed of the Word of God you planted in me. May it produce fruit in me so that whoever sees my good works may give praise to Father in heaven. Amen

Blessed Sunday

Responsorial Sung in Malaysian Language (Malay) Watch it Here!

1 comment:

  1. May I always be good soil for the word of God to flourish in me
