Friday, July 17, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: July 18, 2020, Saturday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A.

Micah 2: 1-5,
Psalm 10 :1-2.3-4a.7-8b.14,
Matthew 12:14-21 Full Readings

 Humble Servant

Today's Gospel presents to us how Jesus shows humility in His mission. Though He had power to do any miracles He wanted, He didn't take this as a chance to publicize himself as many of us would do today but in His humility, He would even tell those He healed not to tell anyone.
Though Jesus showed this highest form of humility, the Pharisees would not let Him go freely and were always accusing Him even that the power He used was from the prince of the demons. Today, we see them plotting to destroy Jesus but Jesus withdrew from that district, and healed many people as He went. 

Jesus quietly removed himself from the public eye, not out of fear or anger but to focus on the purpose for which he had come. Full of gentleness and compassion, he went about healing and quietly instructing his disciples about his Kingdom. Rather than engaging in futile clashes with his enemies, he prepared the foundation of the Church by guiding the faithful in hope, forgiveness, and truth. His mission had to be accomplished before he was handed over to the Roman officials for crucifixion.

In today's world, we also face such resistance and hostility of the people whom we are serving. But like Jesus do we respond by focusing on what we are doing rather than planning to return evil with evil. Jesus in His mission used nonviolence to all who resisted and hated Him. He had to bring the peace which he was preaching. Are we using nonviolence in responding to hostility and resistance? Let’s consider the opportunities where we can imitate Our Lord as instruments of peace and healing rather than division.

Today let us ask the Lord to give us strength to face resistance and persecution for the sake of the common good and peace. Let us always try to use nonviolence for it conquers every conflict and brings peace among the parties. Reflect today on how prepared you are to be a humble servant, one who doesn't boast of what he or she is doing and the one who uses nonviolence to face every conflict. As you reflect today, meditate on the words of prayer of St Francis of Assisi (Lord make me an instrument of your peace...) Pray for that the Lord will make you an instrument of peace. 

 Let us pray.
Lord Jesus, I ask you to show me how to embrace your Word with a humble heart. Help me to grow in my awareness of being here for a greater purpose than just my own gain. Mold and secure my heart in a true humility that listens to your voice, follows your command, and is open to your healing grace. Amen

Be blessed

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