Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: July 2, 2020, Thursday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

Amos 7:10-17,
Psalm 19:,
Matthew 9: 1-8 Full Readings

 Your Sins are Forgiven

In the last two reflections, we saw Jesus' power over forces of nature and over the evil one respectively. Today we see Jesus' power not only to forgive sins here on earth but also the power of healing as he heals the paralytic. When his friends brought a paralytic to Jesus,  Jesus after seeing their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Courage, my child, your sins are forgiven."(Matthew 9:2b), and then at last said to the paralytic, "Get up and pick up your bed and go off home." (Matthew 9:6b).

This Gospel presents to us the double healing of the paralytic both spiritually and physically. Jesus at first glance saw that the paralytic really needed spiritual healing and that's why Jesus says to the paralytic, “your sins are forgiven.” This was Jesus' first priority. Even to us Jesus' first priority is to save our souls by delivering us from sin through his loving forgiveness. Jesus is ready to forgive us provided we come to Him with faith and a humble contrite heart. 

We cannot really tell whether the man preferred spiritual healing first or not or maybe he thought he didn't need spiritual healing but only physical. But this can be posed to us today. Which among spiritual healing and physical healing do you prefer first? Most of us would prefer physical healing so that we can live a happy and a normal life and forget that we need spiritual healing more. Spiritual healing not only makes us live a happy life here on earth but also in the next life to come. So brethren, let's desire most spiritual healing through asking for forgiveness from our Lord Jesus Christ which will automatically bring us physical healing as well.

Brethren, Spiritual healing brings also physical healing. When we look at most Jesus miracles, there is a statement “your sins are forgiven” or “your faith has healed you.” This means most of the people who were healed by Jesus were first forgiven for their sins for their spiritual healing or they had a strong spiritual belief and faith in Jesus. Therefore, there is no harm in prioritising spiritual healing. When we are strong and healthy spiritually, we can easily get healed physically. Even psychologists say that some people are suffering from their thoughts or trauma which in turn affect their bodies. This is what they call psychosomatic disorders which requires nothing but dealing with one’s trauma in order for him or her to heal. Such people will even go to hospital while very sick and they won't be diagnosed with any sickness. They need spiritual healing.

Jesus gives this spiritual healing by forgiving our sins. When we hear His loving and merciful voice, "Your sins are forgiven", we get our healing. Jesus  has the power to forgive every sin, though sometimes we think our sins are big and many to be forgiven. Jesus is always waiting for us to ask for forgiveness and when we come before Him with faith He will surely forgive us. Do you have courage to come to Jesus and ask for forgiveness? Come as you are, that's how Jesus wants you, come and experience His healing touch.

Jesus' power to forgive sins was considered to be blaspheming for it was only God who was to forgive sins. Little did they know that Jesus, the Son of God, had been entrusted with every power on earth and in heaven even the power to forgive sins. Jesus in turn gave the power to forgive sins to Peter and the church to forgive sins in His name (Matthew 16.19; 18.18), a reminder to us of the power of forgiveness in the sacrament of Reconciliation. Though Evangelical and protestant churches criticise the power of a priest to forgive sins, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is very powerful and efficacious, we really receive spiritual healing when we truly confess our sins and get absolution by the priest in the name of Jesus. Remember also Jesus' power to forgive sins was criticised!

Reflect today on the words of Jesus, "Your sins are forgiven." Make an initiative to go for confession and hear those loving and merciful words and your soul will indeed be healed. As the friends of the paralytic brought him to Jesus with faith, make it  a promise also to help someone in his or her journey of faith so that we, all at last, will get healed and live fruitful Christian lives. Ask the Lord to heal your body, soul and mind today. 

 Let us pray. 
Lord Jesus, through your merciful love and forgiveness you bring healing and restoration to body, mind, and soul. May your healing power and love touch every area of my life; my innermost thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and memories. Pardon my offences and transform me in the power of your Holy Spirit that I may walk confidently in your truth and goodness. Amen

Be blessed

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