Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: July 23, 2020, Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

Jeremiah 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13,
Psalm 36:6—7ab.8-9.10-11,
Matthew 13: 10-17 Full Readings

 Knowledge of the Mysteries of the Kingdom

Today's Gospel presents Jesus explaining to His disciples why He uses parables in His teachings. The major reason is that the Jews had eyes but they look without seeing, had ears but they listen without hearing or understanding. This made them not to be exposed to the mysteries of the kingdom. This also sounds like another parable which we should try to understand why Jesus said this.

The Jews were not exposed to the mysteries of the kingdom because of their stubbornness of heart. From the first reading, we see Jeremiah shouting in the midst of Jerusalem for the Israelites had defiled the land which the Lord had given them, by forgetting the love which they had for Him and started practicing and satisfying their own pleasures. They hardened their hearts and would no longer listen to God's word not His prophets. This did not stop in the Old Testament, but went on even when Jesus was with them. 

They saw His miracles, and heard His teachings but would not believe in Him even when He used images which they themselves knew, they wouldn't understand the mysteries of the kingdom. This was because of their stubbornness of heart, for they were expecting a military Messiah not just a Messiah who eats with sinners and opposes the customs of the society.

In turn these mysteries were revealed to the Apostles because they believed and accepted Jesus as the Messiah. They believed and were given the grace to understand the mysteries of the kingdom. This grace was to be added to them more and more for whoever has, more will be added to Him.

Brethren, our invitation today is to evaluate ourselves, if we have the stubbornness of heart, or if we accept Christ with what He teaches so that we may have the knowledge of the kingdom. We all as Christians, have been given the opportunity to understand the Mysteries of the kingdom from our baptism. When we use this opportunity, we shall be growing daily in the knowledge of the Kingdom. That's when we allow God to take control of our hearts. Jesus says we have been given and many will be added to us but we also have to remember that we have been given more and we are also expected of more.  

Reflect today on how you desire to grow more and more in the knowledge of the Kingdom. How soft is your heart to accept Jesus and His teachings.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you so that everyday you will desire to understand the Mysteries of the Kingdom. 

 Let us Pray.
Almighty God, grant me the desire always to understand the mysteries through accepting your Son Jesus and what He teaches. Amen.

Be blessed

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