Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: July 29, 2020, Memorial of Saint Martha, Year A.

Jeremiah 15:10.16-21,
Psalm 59:2-3.4.10-11.17.18,
Luke  10:38-42 Full Readings

 Choosing the Better Part

Today we celebrate the memorial of St Martha, the sister of Mary and Lazarus. In the Gospel of John, Martha is the one who utters the highest profession of faith in Jesus, the resurrection and the life (cf. John 11:19-27). Luke presents to us Mary and Martha hosting Jesus; Martha was busy preparing food and Mary listening to Jesus at His feet.
Martha and Mary have become the classic figures in the Church representing two different styles of life, the active and the contemplative vocation, an active apostolate or a life of prayer. Carried to an extreme, this opposition is, of course, merely silly. No active apostolate can thrive unless it grows out of a life of prayer, for we cannot draw others to the knowledge and love of a God whom we do not ourselves know and love. Nor can a life of prayer be genuine unless it leads to care for others and concern for the salvation of all those whom the Lord loves. Even a strictly enclosed community cannot claim to be a part of Christ’s body unless its fabric is one of love and concern for all the members, and especially those in need, the elderly, the sick and the young.

Both lives are very important that one has to take some priority. If we are to live and serve God and His people either in contemplative or active life we have to first listen and be devoted to the Word of God and prayer. We cannot show the Love of God to others without us first experiencing it and savouring it. We savour it through prayer, contemplation, listening to the Word of God and meditation. These arm us with virtues and move us to be active in real life. 

Therefore when Jesus said that Mary has chosen the better part, He didn't mean the other of Mary is nothing, otherwise He would have used, "the best part." Instead He is encouraging us to prioritise the Word of God and prayer before doing anything, for it's through them that God will give success to whatever we are doing.

Reflect today on the two styles of life. Where do you fall most? What's your priority among the two? Do you stop what you have been doing throughout the day so that you can pray or you are too busy 24/7? Ask the Lord to send His Spirit to guide in prioritising the Word of God and prayer. 

Let us Pray.
Lord, help me always to choose the better part of listening to you and conversing with you which will help me in my active ministry. Amen.

Be blessed.

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