Friday, July 3, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: July 4, 2020, Saturday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A.

Amos 9:11-15,
Psalm 85:9.11-12.13-14,
Matthew 9:14-17 Full Readings

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal

 New Wine in New Wineskins

Today's Gospel presents to us two stories between Jesus and the Pharisees about their relationship with Jesus. In the first instance, the Pharisees were strict followers of the law and they expected Jesus' disciples also to fast as John's disciples did. Jesus’ reply leaves then with no word: The wedding guest cannot fast when the bridegroom is with them, but time will come when the bridegroom is taken from them, then they will fast.

In the second instance Jesus tells the Pharisees that nobody patches an old cloak with a piece of unshrunken cloth, otherwise it will tear, and nobody puts new wine in old wineskins, otherwise it will burst and spill out, new wine must be put in new wineskins.  What did Jesus really mean with these two sayings?

Fasting was one of the three fundamental religious practices among the Jews in addition to prayer and almsgiving and everybody was supposed to fast. However, Jesus challenges this system by preaching fasting and freedom. Fasting should essentially be that which brings us closer to God, not because it is a law. Understanding fasting in Jesus' perspective helps us our fasting to be fruitful. Fasting is the way of self denial and detachment from worldly pleasures especially sin so that we come closer to God. Sometimes we experience the sense of loss of Christ in our lives, maybe because of our sinful nature, and fasting here will help us to free from those sins, come back to God and ask for forgiveness.

Jesus uses symbols of new wine and new wineskins, to symbolise His new teaching which cannot be kept in the secularised religious schemes that are incapable of opening themselves up to the new promises. Jesus brought new teaching and understanding of the Kingdom of God and this teaching had to be accepted with a new mind and attitude and then taken up with a new approach.

As Christians, we are always encouraged to take up the teachings of Christ and the Gospel and not to secularise the Gospel. The Gospel is a spiritual guideline which requires open mindedness to imagine prophetic and charismatic ways of living it. This requires a radical change from our old ways of life and out this new way of life in Christ. Sometimes we may be tempted to go back to our old ways but let's keep imploring Christ to always help us not to return to these old sinful ways in which we were before we saw the light.

Reflect today on how you are living new life in Christ and spreading the Gospel in a spiritual way not in a secularised way. Do you always fast? What is the motive of your fasting? Spend some time and pray for  the Holy Spirit that He will make you understand the true meaning of fasting as well to help you to always love in the new life we have obtained in Christ.

 Let us pray
Lord Jesus, help me always to live the Gospel values and your teachings daily so as to stay connected to you my Lord and my God. Amen

Be blessed

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