Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: July 9, 2020, Thursday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

Hosea 11: 1 - 4.8c-9,
Psalm 80:2ac,
Matthew 10:7 - 15 Full Readings

 God's Providence in Mission.

Today we continue to reflect on the Mission Discourse of Matthew which presents to us sending of disciples to proclaim the Kingdom of God which is at hand and the instructions they are to follow. In today's Gospel Jesus is instructing His disciples on how they are to carry out their mission. First of all, they are to proclaim the Kingdom of God and perform miracles. Secondly they are to carry nothing for their journey for the worker deserves  his or her pay, the people they are proclaiming too will take care of them, but they are to give at no cost for they received at no cost.

Why did Jesus tell His Apostles to give at no cost? Firstly, they themselves received at no cost and so they have to give at no cost. Secondly, we can't even imagine the price of the Gospel, if we are to value it even the money in the whole world would not buy it. The Gospel is God's gift for humanity so that we may live lives worth and pleasing to God. This Gospel is the person, Jesus Christ the only son of God. 

In today's world, this law has been broken, for the Gospel has become a source of income and anybody can wake up in the morning and start the church, not because he or she wants to spread the Good News but as a business. One American told me that if you want to be rich in America, start a church, and this is not alien also to Africa, visible on streets, in public transport and various churches around. This is misusing the Gospel for that is not  the purpose it was created for. Brethren, be careful not to be taken by such people for even Jesus knew they would come. 

Why did Jesus tell His Apostles to carry nothing for their Journey? Jesus wanted them only to rely and learn what it means to rely on God's Divine Providence. If we are doing the work of God with Integrity, love and service and with complete commitment, God will surely not leave us without providing for us. God provides in many ways, especially from the people we are serving. When we reach out to people in love they will surely take care of us, provided we are led by the Spirit. However, Jesus knows that some will not accept us in our mission but it is not our fault, they will condemn themselves by not accepting the Gospel. Our work is to proclaim to them and pray for them peace. 

The challenge is one; when the Gospel heralds have wrong motives and start asking for the pay for their work done. Here we shall not only have offended God and cut His divine Providence from us but also the people we are serving. God knows how He will reward us provided we do our work well. If we want money or any other thing, let us just do our work well. If you run after money, money will run away from you but if you run after excellence, money will run after you. 

Our invitation today is that all of us participate in the mission of Christ. We cannot all be preachers, or priests, or brothers, or sisters, or catechists or religious and not being such doesn't stop us from proclaiming the kingdom of God. When we reach out and help the Gospel heralds and provide them with what keeps them proclaiming the Gospel, we are indeed spreading the kingdom of God on earth. Acts of love and charity are powerful ways to proclaim the Gospel, and above all the witness of life.

Reflect today in the Divine Providence of God in your mission. Do you trust in this Providence? Are you among those who want to sell the Gospel in any way or you give for no cost? Have you been taken away by the people who are after money not spreading the Gospel? How often do you help any Gospel heralds in their work by providing for them out of love or do you chase them away? Pray today that God will give you a spirit of discernment so that you know who is the true shepherd and that your generosity to Gospel heralds will increase.

Let us pray.
Lord, may I always delight in giving for no cost because I received at no cost for I know you are the only who one can reward and fulfill my hearts desires for the mission I am doing here on earth. Help me to always welcome and accept you in any way you come to me especially through those you choose to bring you to me. Amen

Be blessed.

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