Monday, July 6, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: Tuesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A.

Hosea 8:4- 7.11-13,
Responsorial Psalm 115:3-4, 5-6, 7AB-8, 9-10 
Matthew 9:32-38                                                      Full Readings

 The Rich Harvest and Few Labourers

Today's Gospel presents to us another miracle performed by Jesus as he heals a demoniac who could neither speak nor hear. This miracle amazes the crowd as it has never been seen in Israel though the Pharisees kept doubting that He drives out demons by the prince of demons. Jesus performed many miracles, and at once saw a big crowd who were like sheep without a shepherd and He said, " The harvest is abundant but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the Harvest to send out labourers for his harvest."

This miracle completes Matthew's series of ten wonders that Jesus performed after the sermon on the Mount, in addition to the story of the cure of two blind men at Jericho (which he tells also later at 20.29-34) and the story of the blind and deaf demoniac (told also in 12.22-24). After these miracles Jesus will start giving some teachings and instructions to His disciples making them ready for mission as we shall see till the end of this week. This is because there is too much harvest and the labourers are few.

The Gospel tells us that Jesus went around doing good, performing miracles, curing the sick with every sickness and illness. These amazed the crowds, however, the Pharisees looked at them with envy and jealousy and they could not believe in these miracles claiming that He uses the power of the prince of demons. We too also sometimes doubt the power of God in our lives, we sometimes think that He is sleeping, not listening to our prayers and we decide to use our own ways. In this way, we behave like the Pharisees. God is very powerful and does whatever He wills as the responsorial psalm of today tells us. For us who believe in Him, we shall experience these miracles, and they will transform us to see spiritually and physically as the demoniac was healed. 

Jesus still performs these miracles today, but he needs our cooperation  to be His ambassadors and work in His harvest. The training of His Apostles was to enable the work in the harvest, and today he invites and sends us also to join in the harvest and save souls for God. The end of this Gospel shows that help is needed and who will give that help if not me and you?

Brethren, how ready are we to respond to the call for help from Jesus to be labourers in His harvest? We are His brothers and sisters and as usual the first help you would expect is from your brother or sister. Jesus needs our response and we can participate in answering this call through many ways, where you are, how you are, what you are and what you have, and whatever you are doing. You can respond to this call and work in the harvest of God. 

We are to carry the pity and mercy that Jesus had when He saw the crowd and in this way we shall bring Jesus to everyone we meet and all the ends of the earth shall be saved. Though many people may doubt our work in this harvest just as the Pharisees doubted Jesus' miracles, Jesus will be with us if we are people of integrity and truthfulness, with humility in what we are doing and above all when we are trusting in His divine Providence. Know that Jesus was also doubted and rejected.

Reflect today on how ready you are to work in the harvest of God. Are you sometimes lost like the sheep without a shepherd? Ask the Lord to open your way to find Jesus the good Shepherd. Do you sometimes doubt Jesus' power in your life and the life of others? Ask the  Lord to increase and deepen your faith in Him.

Let us Pray
Lord, don't allow my pride and unbelief stop me from seeing your work in my life and the life of others. Help me to discern clearly your call in my life and be faithful to the vocation you have chosen for me to work in your harvest. Amen.

Be blessed

1 comment:

  1. Lord help me to always be faithful to my work in your harvest. Amen
