Sunday, August 16, 2020

Daily Catholic Refection: August 17, 2020, Monday of the Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A.

Ezekiel 24:15-24,
Psam: Deuteronomy 22: 18-19, 20, 21

The inadequacy of Riches

Today's Gospel presents to us what we must do to become perfect and inherit the kingdom of God apart from following the commandments. Jesus tells the young rich man to go and sell all he had and give the  money to the poor. The young man could not imagine this for he had so much and he went away very sad. Will your riches stop you from attaining the Kingdom of God?  The Gospel shows us the inadequacy of riches especially in the aspects of the kingdom of God.
The young man came to Jesus and though he was rich and had won all the world, he felt that it was not enough, but there was something missing in his life. That's why he came and asked, what good deed must I do to possess eternal life. This question means his wealth alone cannot gain him eternal. We all know that money can do everything but cannot buy love, cannot buy eternal life and if not seriously it may make one feel lonely by losing all the friends. All these show that wealth is inadequate and cannot provide us everything we need. 

 As Christians what we are working for is the kingdom of God and this should be our priority. Therefore, we should not let anything, even wealth, stop us from acquiring eternal life. Jesus however, doesn't say that wealth is bad but instead today's Gospel tells us wealth is very important to take us into heaven. This is because when we use that wealth to help the poor, the needy, the marginalised, we win blessings and eternal life. The young man could not win eternal life because he preferred wealth to the kingdom. 

Brethren, do you prefer your wealth to the eternal life which God offers? If no, then use your wealth not only for your selfish desires, but also  for helping your neighbor and the needy as well as for serving God. Pray today for the spirit of generosity so that others will give glory to God because of your wealth and also for us all to gain eternal life. 

Let us Pray
Lord, I thank you for everything I have and all you are still to give me. Help me always to use them not only for my good but also  for others so that they may feel that they are loved. Amen.  

Be blessed

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