Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: August 27, 2020, Memorial of Saint Monica, Year A

1 Corinthians 1:1-9,
Psalm 145:2-3.4-5.6-7,
Matthew 24:42-51 Full Readings

Stay Awake 

Today's Gospel presents to us Jesus telling his disciples to stay awake because they do not know when the son of Man will come in glory to judge the living and the dead. He compares this warning with the thief who comes to steal as a surprise without warning, otherwise if the master of the house knew that the thief is coming, he would prepare for him and catch him. In the same way will Jesus come back on the final judgement day, the day which nobody knows, and that is why Jesus' message to the disciples is also our message today so that we start awake and that that day finds us ready to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Brethren, imagine that day is today or that God reveals to you that it is tomorrow, what would you do? Would it find you worthy of entering the Kingdom of God? I know most of us would forgive all the people, go for confession, and even fast so that we make ourselves ready. Unfortunately, we don't know this day, so then how are we going to be ready for it? These are the questions we should always ask ourselves as each day passes. 

To be ready for that day, we should live each day that comes as the last day of our judgement. This means we have to be ready every day but how do we make ourselves ready? By following God's Commandments and doing the will of God in our lives. These commandments are summarised into one law of love of God and neighbour. Therefore brethren, everyday of our lives we have to spend it in love of God and neighbor, doing good things, visiting the sick, helping the needy, promoting and fighting for justice, defending the weak, clothing the naked and helping our brethren in one way or the other. When we do this we not only do them to our brethren but also to God for Jesus says whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me.

God has entrusted us with a specific mission in this world each in an individual and unique way. When we do our mission well in love and with all our efforts, we are making ourselves ready and worthy of the kingdom. And when we fail especially due to omission and our stubbornness then we become like the untrustworthy servant in the Gospel who squandered all his master's properties in parties and drinking and when the master returned he was thrown out to where there is gnashing of teeth. None of us want to be like that and so we should be ready by doing our mission entrusted to us. 

St Monica whose memorial we celebrate today is the great model of doing the mission entrusted to her, the mission of being a good mother. Though her son  Augustine was filled with worldly pleasures with no regard for God, she didn't give up on him but she prayed unceasingly for his conversion. Her prayers were answered and the Great Doctor of Church was converted. That's why we call her a saint now. Mothers, are you doing your mission as a mother, the way God entrusted it to you? It is also an invitation to all of us.

Reflect today on how awake and ready are you for the last judgement day? Does it bring in you the desire to live everyday as your last day or you think it's still far? Through the intercession of St Monica, may you realise the need to live everyday as your last day, and do God's mission as a way of staying awake for the last judgement day.

Let us pray
Fill me with your Spirit Lord so that every day of my life may be lived as if it is the day of your return and help me to be a good servant of God and of His people. Amen

St Monica, pray for us.

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