Monday, August 31, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: September 1, 2020, Tuesday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

1 Corinthians 2:10b-16,
Responsorial Psalm PS 145:8-9, 10-11, 12-13AB, 13CD-14
Luke 4:31-37 Full Readings

 Which Demon is possessing you?

Today's Gospel presents to us Jesus rebuking and chasing away demons from a possessed man. It might be a surprise that demons recognised Jesus as the Holy one of God, but it was not a true confession rather it was a way of defending themselves in order not to be cast out of the man.  Jesus however, doesn't even give them  a chance  to say any more word but he shut them up and drove them out of the man. Jesus not only shows power over evil forces but also the power and the authority of his word.

This scenario shows us that demons are real and are very powerful and can change someone's life to the worst unless Jesus comes to us and casts them out. Demons are fallen Angels whom God left with their power and only takes their power or shutters them when they misuse it like the way they misused it on the man in the Gospel. Today these demons have become even wiser and not only possess us directly but mostly possess us indirectly through the worldly pleasures.

Brethren, most are all possessed by demons in one way or the other. We might not be mad or behaving like the man on the gospel but through the wise tricks of the devil we have fallen trap of it. Our demons may be corruption, embezzlement, masturbation, abortion, sexual immorality, blaspheming, selfishness, hatred, love of money, prostitution, love of power, promiscuity, concupiscence and other attitudes and actions which are contrary both to human life and dignity and to God. We need to be delivered, we need, healing and we need to come back to God. Some of these demons have been invited by ourselves and others we have fallen into their trap and they have possessed us that we cannot even spend one moment without serving our demons. We need healing.

However, we cannot be healed or delivered without first realising and recognising the demons possessing us and secondly, realising the need to be delivered and then knowing that it is only Jesus who can deliver us and then inviting him in our lives. Unless we do this, the demons will keep possessing us and we will end up in eternal fire where demons reside.

Our invitation today is to realise that we are possessed by demons, recognising which demons are  possessing us and ask Jesus to heal and deliver us. Reflect today on this Gospel and ask for Jesus healing through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Let us Pray
Lord Jesus I accept that the world and I myself are possessed by demons in one way or the other and I realise the need to be delivered. Send upon us your Holy Spirit to deliver us from the powers and chains of Satan and all its messengers. Amen

Be blessed. Have a happy and successful month

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