Saturday, September 5, 2020

Daily catholic Reflection: September 6, 2020: Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Ezekiel 33:7-9,

Psalm95: I-2.6-7abc.7d-9,

Romans l3:8-10,

Matthew 18:15-20 Full Readings 

Blessed Claudio Granzotto

 Making Peace

This Sunday's readings have a similar theme running through them, which is making peace through forgiveness and love for one another. 

Today's Gospel is part of the community or ecclesial discourse which  Matthew presents in the whole of Chapter 18 and gives the guidelines upon which the church of Christ will depend on in preserving the memory of Christ and in spreading the Gospel. Jesus today teaches us the best way to make peace with one another and says that if a person wrongs you or if you wrong any person, go to that person individually ask for forgiveness and if you win his or her heart then you have won your brother or sister back. But if the person refuses, don't give up take a trusted friend or friends who are not judgmental to talk to the person, and if the person refuses again, then tell the Christian community, and if the person refuses, you have done your part and you are no longer guilty, regard the other one as a gentile or tax collector (sinner). He  also gives a stern warning that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever we loosen here will be loosed in heaven and finally promises to be with us always and whatever we ask in His name we shall get.

The similar message is seen in the first reading as Ezekiel is made a sentry (the one who blows his horn when danger comes). He was to warn every wicked person to turn from his or her wicked ways before God would punish him or her. If he wouldn't warn him or her, he would be held responsible for the death of the wicked person, and  if he warned the person and the person would not change, the prophet would not be held responsible, he had done his part. This reading teaches us that we are responsible for one another, we cannot as Christians leave someone to die in sin or any other dangerous behaviour while we are just watching. God will hold us responsible if any one of our brothers and sisters dies in such a way while we could have done something. Remember, an act of one person can affect the whole church.

In the same line, Jesus is aware that  despite his presence in the Christian community there are going to be disagreements and misunderstandings in every community and every family. The vital thing is to sort them out and not to let them fester. The Church is full of saints and sinners and when we recognise this and ask for mercy, we are in the way to holiness. Sometimes we may become scandalised by devoted Christians and sometimes we hear comments: but he or she is a Catholic, she or he is a Christian, or he is a priest, she or he is a religious and how comes she or he has done this. These things are becoming common these days. However, this doesn't mean the church is ending, no. God is present in it and is infinitely more powerful than our sinfulness and can transform us to be his instruments. St Paul tells us that where sin has abounded, grace has abounded all the more (Romans 5:20).

Another thing we see is the Gospel is fraternal correction. Brethren, none of us is perfect and we may wrong one another in one way or the other but Jesus encourages us to make peace and understand one another. How do you make peace with your brother or sister? Some of us might even swear never to make peace with him or her, then we start gossiping instead of facing the person and talk about it amicably. If we try all what Jesus has told us and the person refuses, let us pray for the conversion of that person. Though, Jesus says, call him or her a sinner, his other teachings tell us to forgive seven times seven which means forgiving unconditionally, and praying for the person.

We are also encouraged always to try to avoid conflicts. This is done living in love for there when we leave in love, we cannot hurt one another and even when the conflict  arises, it is automatically solved. St Paul in the second reading encourages us that the only debt we should have in life is the debt of loving one another with mutual love as it summarises all the commandments. Living in love will make us real Christians for everyone will know us because of our love, and thus we shall be living in peace. 

The result of not making peace is very clear, what we bind on earth is bound in heaven also. There are many souls of our departed friends and relatives loitering in the air and even some in hell because we didn't forgive them when they were here or they didn't forgive. That unforgiveness cannot take them to heaven until they forgive or they are forgiven. Of course forgiving us here might be impossible but we can unbound them by forgiving them and praying masses for them so that they can enter heaven. Who are the people you have bound with unforgiveness and are being tormented a lot? Make a step to forgive and make peace. 

Our invitation today is for us to stop being obstacles for the healing of our brothers or sisters. If someone wrongs you and comes to ask for forgiveness, as a Christian accept the apology and the other person will heal. For the sake of peace we must leave aside our resentments and anger and make peace so that when we reach heaven, our bounds are loosen and we enter the kingdom of God. However, know that justice with mercy also applies here. How many people have you blocked from being healed because of not forgiving them? 

Reflect today on this fundamental gospel and teaching of Jesus on how to make peace with your brother or sister. Sometimes it is hard to forgive, but pray that you will get that courage to always make peace with one another. Let us continue to pray for those stubborn people who don't want to forgive or to be forgiven that the Lord may open their hearts, for where two or three are gathered, Jesus is in our midst and will hear our prayer. Pray also that you may be an instrument of peace wherever you go.

Let us Pray.

Grant, O Lord, in all hearts of your faithful a fervent zeal to make peace with everyone so that we may live in peace here on earth and then enjoy that peace in heaven eternally. May you make us instruments of your peace so that we may help those in conflicts. Amen. 

Be blessed.

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