Sunday, October 11, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: October 12, 2020, Monday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A


Psalm 113: 1b-2.3-4.5a and 6-7,

Luke 11:29-32 Full Readings

Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos

 No more Sign than Jesus

Today's Gospel presents to us the Pharisees seeking  a sign from Jesus but Jesus tells them that there is no more sign from heaven apart from him, he is the perfect sign and a greatest sign, greater than all signs which have ever come from heaven. He compares the signs of preaching of Jonah which caused the repentance of Ninevites and the wisdom of Solomon that attracted the Queen of Sheeba, and says something greater than these signs is here (himself) but unfortunately people of this generation are not believing in Him.

 The phrase, this generation has a negative connotation. It refers to people who rejected Jesus and his teachings and in today's Gospel they are those who don't believe in him as a sign from heaven, a perfect and ultimate sign from God himself. There were at the time of Jesus a number of charismatic Galilean rabbis who did work such signs. They are often recounted in Jewish writings with a good deal of humour. Rabbi Honi the Rain-Maker was asked to pray for rain; he was known for his warm relationship with God and for the answers to his prayers. When he prayed for rain a few drops fell, so he rebuked God for merely playing games with him. There followed a deluge and again Honi rebuked God. Only when a steady rain came did he let God off the hook. This was the criteria to prove that a prophet is from God but it is unfortunate that they could behold the perfect sign from heaven which is Jesus himself.

Brethren, today let us reflect and examine ourselves if Jesus can also call us *this generation* when he comes in our families, in our communities and the whole world because of going around seeking for signs and miracles. The letter to the Hebrews tells us clearly about the total fulfilment in Jesus as a sign and Son of God whom he chose to come to us so that seeing and believing in Him is seeing and believing in God himself (Hebrews 1:1- he replaced all the prophets and now God is now speaking through his One and Only Son Jesus). This clearly tells us that Jesus is the Sign and no other. 

The sign of Jesus comes to perfection through his death and resurrection. Just as Jonah spent three days inside the fish, so did Jesus spend three days in the tomb and rose on the third day. This is the greatest sign ever and this is what Jesus' meant when he said there is no any other sign than the Son of Man, a title Jesus preferred most. Us Christians who beloved in Jesus as a sign rejoice in the resurrection and a basis of our faith. As we continue believing in him, he keeps resurrecting in our lives, strengthens our faith and makes us do extraordinary things out of love. 

Brethren, one of the most challenges our Christian faith has faced in our times, is looking for signs and miracles. Today many people are looking from pastor to pastor, from church to church, travelling many distances, looking for miracles and this has turned into drama as many now *act miracles* in order to attract many people and fill their pockets. Brethren, this is not faith, it is testing God and I tell you we shall have to answer for all these on the last day. Are you among those taken like this? This is a challenge to faith and we ought to make our fellow Christians of this.

Brethren, Christ left us his sign, that is the Eucharist, and any time we come for mass and adoration, we are in his presence and he will surely answer our prayers. Above all, the Christian Faith teaches us that we ourselves are to become signs, the hands, feet, eyes, ears, mouth of Christ here on earth. We do this by doing the exact works and words that Jesus did and said. The saints and martyrs are true models of this and so we are invited to becomes signs ourselves rather than seeking signs everywhere by loving and serving God and his people, through charity and living a life worthy of a Christian.

Reflect today on whether you focus on looking and seeking signs everywhere and anywhere or you focus on the faith of resurrection and trying to be the second Jesus here on earth.

Let us Pray.

Lord help me to always know that I am a sign myself of your presence among my brethren, and may this truth help me always to live a life of service to God and to others as you did while still on earth. Amen.

Be blessed

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