Thursday, October 15, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: October 16, 2020, Friday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

Ephesians 1:11-14,

Psalm 33:1-2.4-5.12-13,

Luke 12:1-7 Full Readings

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, and Saint Hedwig

 God takes everything about us Seriously

Brethren, today's Gospel reading presents to us the attentiveness of God to all our being. Jesus tells us not to fear those who kill the body and do nothing more but to fear the one who kills both the body and the soul and then casts us into hell. He assures us of God's divine protection and providence as he protects and provides for the sparrows for which we are greater than many sparrows. Jesus in a way is encouraging us to put all our trust in God and in his providence and fear nothing other than him.

As Christians we are called to not be afraid of anything especially in our witness to Jesus. The martyrs whom we venerate in the church are good examples of those who feared nothing but God even to the extent of giving their lives for the sake of saving their souls. This is also our invitation today. We might not go around looking for martyrdom but we have to remove fear in witnessing the gospel, in doing what is good, challenging what is contrary to the gospel, standing against what violates human life, human dignity and human rights and above all in living a virtuous life. Therefore, despite insults, rejection, intimidation, discouragements and threats, let us continue to witness Christ in our lives not only in the way we live but also in our words and actions.

Jesus also warns us of hypocrisy, one of the most warned vices in Jesus' teachings. The word hypocrite means actor - someone who pretends to be what he or she is not. Therefore Jesus warns us against pretense. Pretense not only destroys our relationship with God but also our relationship with others. Living a life of pretense is very difficult because one is living with two natures; the true self and the false self. Faced with any situation these two natures are in conflict of which one is to act and so most of the energy of the hypocrite is spent while thinking what to deceive the other, the kind of way he is going to act and things of such type. This is not a good life and Jesus says that all will come to light one day. Therefore brethren, Jesus invites us to be true to ourselves, to live a life of humility and true service to God and the neighbour.

With this there is nothing to fear, but only God. God is always attentive and close to us in all that we do and throughout all our life though sometimes we feel that he is distant from us. It’s important to remember that whenever we have this feeling, it’s only a feeling and not reality.  Reality is that God is infinitely more attentive to the details of our lives than we could ever realize.  In fact, He’s far more attentive to us than we are attentive to ourselves!  And not only is He attentive to every detail, He is deeply concerned about every detail.

So why might it feel like God is distant at times?  There could be many reasons for this but we should be certain that there is always a reason.  Perhaps we are not listening to Him and not praying as we should and thus we are missing His attentiveness and guidance.  Perhaps He has chosen to remain silent in a matter as a way of drawing us closer to Himself.  Perhaps His silence is actually a very clear sign of His presence and His will.  

Reflect, today, upon the fact that regardless of how we may feel at times we must be certain of the truth of today’s gospel.  “You are worth more than many sparrows.”  God has even counted the hairs on your head.  And every part of your life is fully present to Him.  Allow these truths to give you consolation and hope knowing that this attentive God is also a God of perfect love and mercy and will provide for you all that you need in life.

Let us Pray.

Almighty God, help always to a truthful life and a life of fear of you alone so that everyday of my life I may rely on your divine providence and protection. Amen.

Be blessed.

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