Saturday, November 14, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: November 15, 2020, Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Proverbs 31:10-13. 19-20.30-31,

Psalm 128:1-2.3.4-5,

1Thessalonians 5:1-6,

Matthew 25:14-30 Full Readings

Saint Albert the Great

 Fear of God

Brethren, this Sunday’s readings in a way tell us about the fear of God and its benefits. Fear in the Bible does not mean the secular meaning of an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm or being afraid of someone. Rather fear means the respect of God, observing his commandments and living according to his will. God's favour will always be upon such a person as Mary declared in her Magnificat (Luke 1:50) and will lack nothing as Psalm 34:9 tells us (Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing).

The first reading shows us the joy of finding a worthy woman. She will always bring good and joy to the family and reaches out to help those in need and will make a family a model family. But then who is this woman and how does one get such a woman? A worthy woman is the one who fears the Lord; this is the good woman not any other. Today, people think that a good woman is the one who is charming and very beautiful but the first reading warns us that such things last for a very short time. I normally tell young people, who are seeking marriage partners, not to look, for when you marry someone for beauty and after sometimes, beauty fades away, the husband’s love will fade away and the family will break. But one who looks at the heart and the fear of God characters will get a good woman and their love will last forever. 

This is not an exception for the husbands too. The responsorial psalm today, that blessed the man who fears the Lord, his wife will be like a fruitful vine in the recesses of your home and children like olive plants around your table. God will surely bless and he will be successful. Therefore, a secret to having a good family is in the fear of the Lord, and others will follow.  

St Paul also in the second reading indirectly stresses the fear of the Lord as he tells us that the day of the Lord will come like a thief and so we have to be prepared as children of the light. We shall surely be taken by Jesus to his kingdom if he finds us with the fear of God, which is, following his commandments, loving him and serving him and also loving your neighbor as Christ loved us. This is what we call charity, when God finds us with charity we shall surely enjoy eternal life.

The Gospel today shows us an aspect of the negative meaning of fear. Among the servants who were given talents, one who was given five talents did business and got more five and the one with two, got two more but the one who got one, because of fear, hid it and did trade with it to get profit. He knew that his master was a demanding person, harvesting where he did not plant and gathering where he did not scatter; and so out of fear he went off and buried the master’s talent in the ground.  

Brethren, this is the negative fear, of which we as Christians should not have in our relationship with God. The fear of God will make us use the talents to serve him and serve our neighbours; that is what he requires of us and at last he will give us our reward of eternal life in the same way the master did to the faithful servants. We have been given many talents from God, let use them for our good and good of others.

Brethren, at last when Jesus comes, there must be something you and I can show to the Lord with pride and gratitude: ‘Look, this is the talent you gave me; I used it well, developed it, served people with it, and here are the fruits of it.’ Reflect today how your fear of God will make you use your talents for the common good, for God does not give us talents and gifts for our individual and selfish desires  but to use them to serve him and all humanity.

Let us Pray

Grant me Lord with the fear of you so that you will always be the master of my life and whatever I do. Help me to make good use of the gifts, talents, time and resources you give for your glory, the good of others and for your kingdom. Amen

Be blessed.

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