Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: November, 19, 2020, Thursday of the Thirty-Third Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

Reading 1: RV 5:1-10

Responsorial Psalm: PS 149:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6A AND 9B

Gospel: LK 19:41-44                    Full Readings

 God's Visit

We continue our reflection on the end of time and from the first reading we see that we are saved by the blood of the lamb that brought all people for God and made us a nation of priests and kings to serve God and rule the world. However, brethren, we need to respond to the salvation and the visit that Jesus gave us. This is done through accepting Jesus, follow him and practice what he teaches and commands us.

Today's Gospel presents the emotional cry and weeping over Jerusalem. Why does Jesus weep for Jerusalem like this? Jesus has wept for Jerusalem already (13.34-35), and he weeps over Jerusalem once as he arrives and again as he leaves the city on the way to execution (23.28-31). This lament as he approaches the city is composed entirely of phrases from the prophets. Saturated by the prophecies as his mind must have been, there is no reason why Jesus should not have spoken these words. Whether they are the actual words of Jesus or Luke’s later reflection, they serve to emphasize that the rejection of God’s messenger and message which is now taking place is the prophesied culmination of the previous rebellions and rejections of God’s promises.

The first time Jesus wept for Jerusalem in like 13: 34-35, because of killing the prophets and refusing to be gathered together as a hen gathers its chicks. This time he strengthens this point and says that they refused to recognise the visit of God. This lament over Jerusalem had serious and real consequences including the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD. 

Our invitation and reflection today is to examine ourselves if we too are like people of Jerusalem who refused to accept all the prophets including Jesus and not recognising the visit of God. Sometimes we don't listen and follow the word of God, his prophets and as he speaks to us through our fellows. This Gospel should serve as a warning and a lesson to us to take things of God seriously, in order to avoid the consequences of rejecting God. 

Reflect today on your willingness to accept Jesus, his prophets and his teachings. Do you recognize the visit of God as he comes to you and accept Him. Pray for this grace.

 Let us Pray

Lord help me always to accept you, your prophets and what you teach so that I may not be condemned and doomed to destruction. Give me your Spirit to guide me throughout this life. Amen 

Be blessed

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