Monday, November 23, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: November 24, 2020, Memorial of Saint Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs, Year A

Revelation 14:14-19,

Psalm 96: 10.11-12.13,

Luke 21: 5-11 Full Readings

Saint Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions

 The End of Time

The readings of today my dear brethren talk about the end time. It is because we are approaching the end of the liturgical year. This reminds us that we are pilgrims on earth. Our true home is heaven. So we have to be prepared and not frightened. There are many who predict the end time in our world today. Some even go as far as to say that they are the Christ. History has proved them wrong today. Some even go as far as to say that they are the Christ. History has proved them wrong. Jesus said that there would be wars, calamities and cosmic signs but they are not meant to make us gullible in believing fake men and women who would use the opportunity to confuse us and deprive us of our valuables. We are expected to be alert in faith and good works, doing the will of God.

In Jesus's time, people were drawn to marvel at humanity’s achievements. Today we still marvel at the beauty of our monuments; we take pride in our cities and their lights; we boast perhaps even more of our technology, our transportation, communications, and excellent entertainment. While all these things are good and can be used for good, people can let themselves become puffed up with pride and lose sight of who inspires man’s awesome achievements. After all, the temple is not about the precious stones that adorn it, but the spiritual prayers and sacrifices offered there. Let’s keep our focus not on the shiny stones that adorn our temples and churches, but on keeping our interior castle swept clean and suitable for a visit from the King of Kings. More still, let us not focus on the present most beautiful things in the world, they will pass away, and so let us focus on preparing and adorning our spiritual lives so that at the end of time we shall be worthy to live with Jesus forever. 

First signs of the end times. To the great consternation of the Jews, Jesus prophesied the destruction of their great temple at Jerusalem. The Jewish people took great pride in their temple, a marvel of the ancient world. The foretelling of this destruction was a dire warning of spiritual judgment in itself. They asked Jesus for a sign that would indicate when this disastrous event would occur. Jesus admonished them to not look for signs that would indicate the exact timing of impending destruction, but rather to pray for God's intervention of grace and mercy.

Jesus said there would be many signs of impending conflicts and disasters - such as wars, famines, diseases, tidal waves, and earthquakes - which would precede the struggles of the last days when God's anointed King would return to usher in the full reign of God over the earth. On that day when the Lord returns there will be a final judgement of the living and the dead when the secrets of every heart will be brought to light (Luke 12:2-3; Romans 2:16).

This judgment will be based on the signs of God's judgment, mercy, and grace to save us but on top of them is justice. Sometimes we don't recognize the moral crisis and spiritual conflict of the age in which we live, until something "shakes us up" to the reality of this present condition. God reminds us that a future judgment and outcome awaits every individual who has lived on this earth. The reward for doing what is right and pleasing to God and the penalty for sinful rebellion and rejection of God are not always experienced in this present life - but they are sure to come on the day of final judgment. We have to be aware of false prophets who may come at any moment as we see today, to take us away from being really prepared for the last day. 

The Lord Jesus tells us that there will be trials, suffering, and persecution in this present age until he comes again at the end of the world. God intends our anticipation of his final judgment to be a powerful deterrent to unfaithfulness and wrongdoing. But God will extend grace and mercy to all who will heed his call and his warning. Do not pass up, even for one day, God's invitation of grace and mercy to seek first his kingdom of righteousness and peace. This day may be your only chance before that final day comes.

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus, your grace and mercy abounds even in the midst of trials and difficulties. Help me to seek your kingdom first and to reject whatever would hinder me from pursuing your way of peace, righteousness, and holiness. Fill me with the joy and hope of your everlasting kingdom. Amen

Be blessed

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