Sunday, November 29, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: November 30, 2020, Feast of Saint Andrew, Apostle, Year B

Romans 10:9-18,

Psalm 19:2—3, 4—5 (R.5a),

Matthew 4: 18-22 Full Readings

Saint Andrew

 Life Transformation

The time of Advent is not only the time for preparation for the coming of Christ but also a time of transforming our lives. This transformation is only possible by the call and touch of Jesus Christ. St Andrew the Apostle, whose feast we celebrate today, had a life transformation: from a fisherman to a Gospel proclaimer, a fisher of people  and a saint we venerate today.


Jesus is also ready to transform our lives when we heed to his call as Andrew did. All we need is to respond with our whole hearts and leave everything that might hold us back from following him. Andrew left all behind, and his life was really transformed. Do you believe in the transforming power of Christ not only in your situations but also the whole of your life?

How does Jesus transform us today? Jesus today doesn't come to us physically as he came to Andrew, but he still comes to us in full through the Holy Spirit and all the people he has chosen to be Gospel heralds.  When Andrew was transformed he also transformed others and the faith we share and rejoice in today is from these wonderful Apostles including Andrew. Are you ready to let Jesus transform others through you?

St Paul in the first reading makes it clear that no one can be transformed without believing in and asking help from Jesus and his power and Spirit working in him and through him. However, St Paul says that one will not ask his help unless they believe in him, and they will not believe in him unless they have heard of him, and they will not hear of him unless they get a preacher, and they will never have a preacher unless one is sent. Brethren, are you willing to be sent by Jesus to make others believe in Jesus and thus enjoy his transforming power?

Reflect today on the two aspects. Jesus' transforming power in your life as you believe in him. Are you willing to be transformed by Jesus? Believe in him and respond to his call.  Reflect also on your willingness to let Jesus use you to transform other people. 

 Let us Pray

Lord Jesus I surrender everything to you. Transform my life and use it to transform others also. May I always overcome everything that tries to hold me back in this life and always do your will. Amen.

Be blessed

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