Thursday, December 10, 2020

Daily Catholic Readings: December 11, 2020: Friday of the Second Week of Advent, Year B

Isaiah 48:17-19;

Psalm 1:2-4, 6;

Matthew 11: 16-19 Full Readings

Saint Damasus I

 Indifference to the Word of God

Brethren, today's readings look rather discordant not only with the season of Advent we are in which is supposed to give us hope of the expecting the Messiah, but also with the trend of the readings we have been reading since the beginning of Advent. Nevertheless, they give us a very important message for us today, they encourage us not to be indifferent to the word of God, to the words which are told to us that the Messiah is coming such that we should prepare for him well. Some of us may not take the word of God seriously and end up ignoring it and what it teaches us.

The first reading from the prophet Isaiah in way tells us that some of our failures and problems in life come because of not heeding to what God tells us. It tells us that if only we had heeded to the commandments of God and what he teaches us, our happiness would have been like a river and our lives would be full of success. Sometimes we may be indifferent to the word of God by not allowing it to touch our lives, inform our decisions or even guide us in a right path and we take it as if nothing like the word of God exists, God says that we would have been better than the way we are now if we could have taken every word that comes from him.

This is again expressed in the Gospel by Jesus as he says that this generation is like children who sat in the market shouting at each other. Some played the harp and flute, the others didn't dance, they played dirges but still the others didn't mourn. In short, the other children did not respond to any of the situations; they remained indifferent. Theologians regard this playing pipes and dirges as the Word of God. Also there are some situations which we would have given a helping hand or be in solidarity with one another but we ignore, this is not a good attitude for a Christian.

The word *this generation* as used by Jesus is always used in a negative sense to mean all those who refuse to heed and listen to the word of God and don't allow it to make change and conversion in their live; those who always seek the opposite to the word of God no matter the way it is proclaimed: John Baptist proclaimed it by fasting and denying himself worldly pleasures, people criticised him; Jesus came eating and drinking but they criticised him more, what exactly did they want. Nothing; they were being indifferent to the word of God.

Reflect today on this indifference towards the word of God and towards the situation of others. Do you allow the Word of God to speak to you in the depth of your heart, touch you and transform your life? Advent is the time to prepare and believe in the promises of God that he will never leave us alone and that he will save his people by raising up a Messiah for us whom we expect eagerly on Christmas day, the one who will save us from this worldly allurements and give us eternal peace. So believe and prepare the way for Him.

Let us Pray

Lord, Jesus help me surpass this generation in seeking to know you, love you and listen to you more deeply in my heart. Help me to be more attentive to the countless ways that You speak to me and come to me each and every day. As I discover You and Your holy word, fill me with joy so that I will ever live and walk guided by it forever. Amen

Be blessed.

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