Sunday, December 13, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: December 14, 2020, Memorial of Saint John of the Cross, priest and doctor of the Church, Year B

Numbers 24: 2-7, 15-17a,

Psalm 25:4-5ab.6 and 7cd.8—9,

Matthew 21:23-27 Full Readings

Saint John of the Cross

The Authority of Christ

Brethren, today we see Pharisees asking about the origin of the authority of Jesus. Jesus asks them where the authority of John the Baptist came from and they couldn't answer and neither did Jesus. Let us reflect on three important aspects from this Gospel.

1. Questioning God: The chief priests and elders questioned Jesus’s authority. They were waiting for him to expose himself in some way. If he said that his authority came from himself as the second person of the Trinity and from God the Father–which was the truth–then they would have accused him of blasphemy. So Jesus turned the tables on the elders and asked a question of his own. He knew the hearts of these learned men. He knew that they were not interested in the truth, but rather in trapping him. After Jesus’s resurrection, he told his Apostles the truth of his power: “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18). Then he transferred his authority to those Apostles, who then handed it down throughout all the generations of his Church.

2. Embarrassed and Afraid: By not answering the chief priests’ question, Jesus exposed their own shortcomings. They were embarrassed and afraid. They were embarrassed because they did not know the origins of John’s baptism. They were afraid of the crowds: What they would think of their leaders, and what might they do in response? Would the people riot or rebel? the Pharisees wondered. Would their own authority be questioned? By trying to hold onto their own power, they failed to see the amazing work that God was doing right in front of them.

3. Blind to God’s Plan: St. John the Baptist came in righteousness (Matthew 21:32), but the chief priests and elders were blind to his work and his message of repentance. Their eyes were shut and their minds were closed to Jesus, even before his ministry had begun. We can ask ourselves if our own striving for power or control gets in our way of seeing God’s work, which continually surrounds us. We will see through a proverbial pinhole if we do not stop and intentionally pray about how God is working in us, through us, and all around us. Without prayer, we can mistakenly think that we are the ones doing the work. What a shame it would be to miss the bigger plan–God’s plan–and how it is gloriously unfolding all around us, every moment of the day. May we never hear Jesus asking us, “Why did you not believe?”

Let us Pray

Jesus, I believe in your authority. I trust in you. Help me see the work that you are doing in me and in all believers. Bless me in my mission to build up your Church. Help me to never be embarrassed or afraid of what others think of me, but rather keep my heart set on pleasing you alone. Amen 

Be blessed

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