Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: December 17, 2020, Thursday of the Third Week of Advent, Year B

Genesis 49:2.8-10,

Psalm 72: 1-2.3-4ab.7-8.17,

Matthew 1 : 1-17 Full Readings

Saint Hildegard of Bingen

 He is from the House of David

Brethren, Christmas is drawing near, in eight days. An invitation for the final spiritual preparation for the coming of our Lord, the Messiah. This final week leading up to Christmas can oftentimes become filled with busyness and other forms of preparation, such as shopping, cooking, traveling, decorating, etc. Though all of these other preparations have a place, don’t neglect the most important preparation—the spiritual preparation of your soul. Jesus will surely come to dwell in our hearts if they are prepared, not just in the physical preparation which most of the people do even at the expense of Spiritual preparations.

At the beginning of this last week to Christmas, we are presented with the genealogy of Jesus, with a sole reason of showing that the one who is coming is from the House of David and as a fulfilment of all the Old Testament prophecies. 

Matthew wanted to show that all of salvation history has culminated in the birth of Jesus, the Christ. In this list, Matthew condensed the story of how God created a people for himself, citing real people throughout history—real men and women who lived, breathed, sinned, repented, persevered, and believed. The patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Women caught in sin like Rahab, a harlot, who helped the Israelites take Jericho and was “justified by works when she welcomed the messengers and sent them out by a different route” (James 2:25). Ruth, the obedient daughter-in-law and convert (Ruth 1:16), whose virtue led her to become the great-grandmother of David. David, the great king, who committed adultery with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, who he then murdered to keep his secret (2 Samuel11). Time marches on...all the way to Joseph and Mary and their Son, God’s Son, Jesus the Christ, the King of the Universe. The stories summed up here are a litany of heroic, tragic, and epic stories that make up our salvation history.

Jesus truly became man, he is God man and has a human genealogy. This was for our salvation, because we can only be saved by one who has tasted our human experiences, which Jesus really did and saved us. Therefore, brethren, as he is coming to us, let us in this last week to Christmas prepare ourselves to receive our saviour in our hearts. 

Let us use this time as a time of true spiritual preparation. Though all of Advent is a season of preparation, these final days should especially focus upon the great mysteries surrounding the Incarnation and birth of the Christ Child. We must ponder the people Whom God chose to be intimately involved, and we should reflect upon the smallest of details regarding how this miracle of miracles took place. Spend time with scriptures, as we shall see throughout this week which will indeed point to the reality of Christmas. Keep reflecting on the birth of Jesus and invite him to be born in your hearts. 

Today's O Antiphon

O Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love: come to teach us the path of knowledge!

Let us Pray

Jesus, I believe that you are the true God and true man. I give thanks for all the men and women who came before you, all instrumental in God’s saving plan. May I be as instrumental in the lives of those you ask me to touch, for the sake of the Gospel. Amen.

Be blessed

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