Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: December 23, 2020, Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Advent, Year B

Malachi 3:1-4;4:5-6,


Luke 1:57-66 Full Readings

Saint John of Kanty

 John Baptist, the New Elijah

Brethren, the Old Testament prophets foretold the return of the prophet Elijah (Malachi 3:1, and 4:5) who would announce the coming of the Messiah - the Savior and Ruler of the earth. John the Baptist fulfills the role of Elijah as Jesus confirmed also (Matthew 11:13-14). His miraculous birth shows the mercy and favor of God in preparing his people for the coming of its Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the first reading,   Malachi tells us that he is to prepare people for the coming of the Lord, the Day of the Lord. The day of the Lord as we see in the Bible would be sadness and misery for those who are not prepared. The Good News for us is that God has sent the prophets to prepare us for this day. Are you ready for the coming of the Lord?

In this context of Advent, we have to be prepared for the birth of our saviour and Messiah. The miraculous birth of John the Baptist was to prepare people to welcome him. Advent is the time for this preparation so that Christ will be born in our hearts. Are you prepared spiritually for the birth of Christ.

A few days ago, we heard how Zechariah was silenced for his lack of faith. Today he was able to speak again because he accepted the words of the angel and bore witness to the name “John” being given to his son in the temple. Zechariah’s transformation from doubter to believer can help us to see how powerful faith can be, and how empty life is without it. Without faith, we are blind and mute to spiritual realities all around us. With faith, we can always find reasons to proclaim the glory of God. Let us grow more and more in faith everyday, believing that what God has promised will be fulfilled. 

Sometimes we may be like Zachariah, doubting what God can do in our lives  and sometimes we fall into sin, but let us learn from his example too, for he repented and finally fulfilled God's mission as he named the child John as the Angel had told him. We too full of faith can repent and come back to God and God will surely forgive us and give us his Holy Spirit to fulfil his mission. 

Reflect today on how you are prepared to welcome Baby Jesus in your heart. Reflect also on how sometimes you have acted like Zachariah. Know that when we come back in faith he will forgive. As we are in final days of intense preparation for Christmas , let us reflect on today's O Antiphon

O Emmanuel, our King and Giver of Law: come to save us, Lord our God!


Let us Pray

Lord Jesus I await you to be born in my heart, Come Emanuel, my king and ruler, come to save me from all misbelief and lack of Faith so that I may always believe in what you have promised.  Amen

Be blessed

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