Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: December 30, 2020, The Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas

1 John 2:12-17,

Psalm 96:7-8a,

Luke 2:36-40 Full Readings

Saint Egwin

 Our Redemption is Here

Brethren, after Simeon revealing the mission of Jesus yesterday, today we see the continuation of the same instance of the presentation of Jesus, as Anna comes up and mentions Jesus as the Redeemer, because he fulfilled the hopes of those who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem. Anna also, like Simeon, reveals the mission of Jesus. The new born king is therefore, the saviour and redeemer of all the people who accept him and believe in him.

After original sin, darkness made itself a home in the world, bringing with it conflict, anguish, and fear. People now lived with violence, hatred, revenge, and war. The Hebrew people knew they desperately needed a savior. They had experienced time and again their own infidelity, and how hard it was to believe in one God and be his people. To this day, even though Jesus has already come, we are in desperate need of redemption. There are many people who have never experienced his love. There are many people, even among believers, that have no idea how beautiful it can be to live in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Let our hearts break at our own and humanity’s need for a savior, and ask God how we can help.

Brethren, God uses everything and anything in our life to sanctify us and prepare us for our mission. Many times, he uses difficulties and hardships to make us stronger. Anna lost her husband after only seven years, but she didn’t lose her faith. She must have realized that suffering and pain are never meaningless with God at our side, and she decided to stay close. Scripture says Anna never left the Temple. She fasted and prayed unceasingly. God was preparing her for the moment when she would witness, through her prayer of thanksgiving, to thousands upon thousands of future Christians. 

The prophetess Anna knew by her encounter with the Christ Child that redemption was at hand, and she couldn’t contain her enthusiasm. She couldn’t keep it to herself. Anna’s heart was on fire, and fire can’t help but spread. When we truly encounter Jesus, it is hard to contain the joy in our hearts. We become a witness to those around us of the incomparable goodness of God.

Reflect today on the presence of the Redeemer among us in form a new born baby Jesus Christ. Have you accepted him and allowed him to take control in your life? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to always to speak and rejoice in his name. 

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus, help me to find in you the meaning of my life. Deepen my love for you until my heart overflows with joy. Let me experience your redemption in such a way that I become your witness to a world who needs you. Amen 

Be blessed

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