Saturday, December 5, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: December 6, 2020: Second Sunday of Advent, Year B

Isaiah 40: 1-5.9-11,

Ps 85:9ab and 10.11-12.13-14(R.8),

2 Peter 3:8-14,

Mark I: 1-8 Full Readings

Saint Nicholas

 Readiness for the Messiah

In the first reading, the prophet invites the people of Israel, exiled in Babylon, to prepare to welcome the Lord who is coming to free them. Their slavery is about to end. God will save them, but on their part, they must welcome this liberation, cross the desert and begin a new life in a new land.

The Gospel continues this same theme. Another prophet invites Israel to conversion so that the Messiah may manifest himself and a new world may begin. The second reading tells us that when we speak of the coming of the Lord we should not merely be looking for a date for the end of the world, but rather we must welcome the Lord who comes to create a new world.

While the people of Israel were in exile in Babylon, Isaiah came with a message of hope and restoration. The instruction to make the path in the wilderness straight and to level up all the valleys would be meaningful to the people since the route between Babylon and Jerusalem is full of rough and crooked paths, hills and valleys. So, if the promised journey to restoration would be a smooth one, these hazards need to be taken care of. Yet, Isaiah was pointing to something more than physical deserts, the wilderness and the valleys. He was talking about their spiritual state. We need to make ourselves clean so that when the Lord comes, we shall be ready to accept him. Remember that we do not know when the Lord would come. Hence, St Peter encourages us to stop calculating the dates and concentrate more on living good lives. The best way to wait for the Lord is by living holy lives. Assuming the second coming happens now, would you be found ready?

Reflect today on how you are preparing to welcome the Messiah in your life by leveling all the mountains and valleys so that Jesus will reach smoothly in your life without anything stopping him. Reflect also on your patience to wait for God even even in answering your prayers. Remember to God, as St Peter tells us, it is not delaying or being slow but he wants nobody to be lost and all of us to change our ways so that we all meet him.

 Let us Pray

Lord God, help me by your grace to prepare myself by leveling all the spiritual valleys and mountains in my life so that I can receive the Messiah with faith and devotion. Amen

Be blessed

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