Thursday, January 21, 2021

Catholic Daily Reflection: January 22, 2021, Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

Hebrew 8:6-13,

Psalm 85:5 and  10.11-12.13- 14,

Mark 3:13-19 Full Readings

Saint Vincent of Zaragossa

Called to Be With Jesus and Proclaim the Gospel

Brethren, we continue to reflect on the book of Hebrews which centres mostly on the Priesthood of Christ and how Christ fulfilled Old Testament prophecies. Today it shows us that Christ established a new covenant which replaced the old covenant which God had established with the Israelites at the time of coming out from Egypt. This covenant however was not followed and Israelites disobeyed to God by turning to their own ways. Jesus came to establish a new covenant, the one which was to be written in our hearts forever,  that nobody would be influenced by anybody external not to follow the law of God and abide with him forever.

Jesus did this through his shedding of blood when he gave up himself as a sacrifice for many, at the end of his ministry. When he had finished what he had to do here on earth, Jesus established the new covenant between us and God which will last forever. One of the things which he had to do in this world was to establish a kingdom of God through proclaiming the Gospel and then to find those who were to carry on the work after he had gone back to the Father. That's why we see him today choosing the twelve in the Gospel. 

Why did Jesus choose the twelve? They are chosen for two purposes, ‘to be with him’ and to go out to proclaim.  They are made Jesus’ own also by his imposition of names. Normally only a father imposes a name, just as Zechariah names his son John (Luke 1.63), and God in Genesis 17.5 imposes a new name on Abraham to signify his adoption of Abraham. So Jesus in Matthew 16.13 imposes a new name on Simon, calling him ‘Peter’ (in Aramaic ‘Kepha’, Galatians 2.14) or ‘Rock’. Changing their names meant being given a new mission.

Brethren, we are also called for these two purposes, to be with Jesus and savour his goodness forever. When we have stayed with Jesus and been trained in the knowledge and things of God, we are supposed to go out and proclaim this good news so that we and all others may experience the love of God. Jesus also chooses us today to stay with him in order to give us power and authority to overcome the devil. Are you ready and willing to respond to His call, to receive his training and participate in his mission? 

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus, you have called me to be your apostle. It is a mission well beyond me, and many times I do not understand how to do it well. I have tried to meditate on the reasons you have called me, the reasons you call all of us. Help me to stay close to you always. Help me to preach you fearlessly to everyone that I meet. Keep me strong against the temptations of the devil.  Amen 

Be blessed

1 comment:

  1. May God help us to protect all unborn children and avoid abortion
