Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: January 13, 2021, Wednesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time, Year B

Hebrews 2:14-18;

Psalm 105:1-2.3-4.6-7.8-9;

Mark 1:29-39 Full Readings

Saint Hilary of Poitiers

 Jesus the Healer

Brethren, on Christmas day, we celebrated the incarnation of Jesus, God becoming man and being born of the Virgin Mary. Why did God have to become man in all aspects except sin? The first reading sheds light on why Jesus became man, shared the same blood with us and everything except sin. By this, for a little while he was made less than the Angels, but because of his suffering, death and resurrection, God made him  the Lord of all the living and the dead, of all things visible and invisible.

Jesus became man only for our sake, he became man to save us. Only God man, who has tasted and  faced every human aspects like temptations, sex, suffering and other too except sin would be able to have compassion for us and save us. Jesus became man in every aspect except sin, he invites us also to live lives free from sin.

The saving action of Jesus Christ came to climax by his suffering death and resurrection, but it started during his public ministry. Today we see him curing the sick (Peter's mother in law) and casting out demons from people. His fame went all over the place. He brought a new teaching, did signs and wonders and all these were indications that the kingdom of God had come.

Jesus still comes to us and heals us. Jesus heals us and makes us well again to serve him as Peter's mother in-law did. After fever had left her, she immediately started serving them. This is our invitation today; when Jesus shows mercy to us and makes us well, he not only needs us to enjoy the privileges of the Kingdom but also to serve God and his people.

Reflect today on the compassion of Jesus on all of us and his power and authority in his deeds and words. Ask for his healing so that he will make you well again and continue to serve him.

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus Christ, you have all power to heal and to deliver from harm. There is no trouble nor bondage you cannot overcome. Set me free to serve you joyfully and to love and serve others generously. May nothing hinder me from giving myself wholly to you and to your service. Amen

Be blessed

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