Sunday, January 24, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: January 25, 2021, Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle

 Acts 22:3-16;

Psalm 117:1.2,

Mark 16:15- 18 Full Readings

Conversion of Saint Paul

From Persecutor to Gospel Proclaimer

The conversion of Saul, the persecutor of the Church, was a turning point for the spreading of the Christian faith all over the Roman Empire. His conversion on the way to Damascus is so significant that it is recounted three times in the Acts of the Apostles. Paul was a tireless missionary and a great theologian, the one who shaped the Christian message, as his letters contained in the New Testament clearly show.

The Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul that we celebrate today teaches us that there is no one God cannot use as an instrument for spreading the kingdom of God on earth. It also teaches us that no one can be considered as written-off as long as he or she is still alive because a sinner can change and become a saint. Above all, it shows the power of God at work in each one of us. Saint Paul’s conversion shows this power in his life because out of a persecutor God made a preacher of Christ and teacher to the nations. Hence, Saint Paul continually expresses gratitude to God for this wonderful grace and keeps praying for final perseverance lest having preached to others, he ends up a castaway. May the constant intercession of Saint Paul obtain for us daily true conversion from our old ways and thereby conform to the person of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Brethren, God also wants to use us to proclaim his Gospel to all. What we need is to heed to his call for conversion and repentance so that he can send us to proclaim the good news to all the world. As we see in the Gospel, he commissions us to go the whole world and baptise making disciples in all nations. He gives us power to cast out devils, pick up snakes, drink deadly poison, heal the sick and speak in tongues (figurative language showing that we shall do many wonders when Jesus sends us to his mission). What we need is to be disciples first by conversion and repentance so that we can be sent to convert others as St Paul did.

Reflect today on the example and model of St Paul. Let his example inspire us and encourage us that we have a chance to convert from our evil ways and become proclaimers of the Gospel. Let us be attentive to Jesus call and pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide our conversion and repentance

Let us Pray

Lord, Jesus give me the grace daily to repent and accept the Gospel so that I may also become an authentic preacher following the example of St Paul. Amen

Be blessed

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