Thursday, January 28, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: January 29, 2021, Friday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time, Year B

Hebrews 10: 32 - 39,

Psalm 37:3-4.5-6.23-24.39-40,

Mark 4:26-34 Full Readings

Servant of God Brother Juniper and St. Joseph Freinademetz

 Making a Difference

Brethren, It is true that the Blood of Jesus saves us.  Yet the readings today tell of our own part in gaining salvation, to make a difference which will aid our salvation. From the first reading, the Christian exposed to danger should be ready to be insulted because of his faith. He accepts insult cheerfully in the hope of the promises it offers. Endurance is very necessary.  It is one’s faith that proves someone righteous. The Christian is not given a timid spirit; rather, we must remain faithful until our salvation is achieved.  We can do this as we are on a mission to spread the kingdom of God. We must play our part while God achieves perfection for us. Our salvation is wrought by God, but not without our own effort.

Freinademetz learned how to discover the greatness and beauty of Chinese culture and to love deeply the people to whom he had been sent. He dedicated his life to proclaiming the gospel message of God's love for all peoples, and to embodying this love in the formation of Chinese Christian communities. He animated these communities to open themselves in solidarity with the surrounding inhabitants. And he encouraged many of the Chinese Christians to be missionaries to their own people as catechists, religious, nuns and priests. His life was an expression of his motto: “The language that all people understand is that of love.” 

What can mustard seeds teach us about the kingdom of God as we see in the gospel today? The tiny mustard seed literally grew to be a tree which attracted numerous birds because they loved the little black mustard seed it produced. God's kingdom works in a similar fashion. It starts from the smallest beginnings in the hearts of men and women who are receptive to God's word. And it works unseen and causes a transformation from within. Just as a seed has no power to change itself until it is planted in the ground, so we cannot change our lives to be like God until God gives us the power of his Holy Spirit.

The transforming power of the Word of God. The Lord of the Universe is ever ready to transform us by the power of his Spirit. Are you ready to let God change you by his life-giving Word and Spirit? The kingdom of God produces a transformation in those who receive the new life which Jesus Christ offers. When we yield to the Lord Jesus and allow his word to take root in us, our lives are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. Paul the Apostle says, "we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us" (2 Corinthians 4:7). Do you believe in the transforming power of the Holy Spirit?

Brethren, however small or low in social status, you can make a difference. What you need is to believe in yourself and allow the transforming power of God to transform you so that you can do the will of God. Do you allow the seed of God's word to take deep roots in your life and transform you into a fruit-bearing disciple of Jesus Christ?

 Let us Pray

Lord Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit and transform me into the Christ-like holiness you desire. Increase my zeal for your kingdom and instill in me a holy desire to live for your greater glory. Amen

Be blessed, may St. Joseph Freinademetz pray for us

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