Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: January 6, 2020, Wednesday after Epiphany

1 Jn 4:11-18;

Psalm 72:1-2, 10, 12-13;

Mk 6:45-52 Full Readings

Saint André Bessette

 Fear Not, Jesus is in Control

Brethren, today's Gospel is about Jesus walking on water and calming down the storms and waves that were rowing the disciples in the boat. When the disciples saw Jesus walking on water they thought he was a ghost, but he told them no to be afraid, it's him, Jesus, and then he calmed down the situation.

The image of the boat has long been used to represent the church, the people on the journey in this world. The storms and waves are the problems, challenges, pleasures and lures which the world challenges us with, to deter us from enjoying and experiencing the love of Christ. In today's Gospel, Jesus' walking on water towards his disciples and calming the situation implies Jesus' love and compassion which he has for us. He is always telling us not to fear, it's him in charge and invites us to trust him as the only one who will calm down our unfair situations and challenges we face in this world. Do you have full trust and belief in Jesus that he will take away all the worries, fears and challenges from your life?

Where do you turn to when storms of life and challenges come to you? Often in times of fear in life, we lose sight of Jesus. We turn in on ourselves and focus on the cause of our fear. But our goal must be to turn from the cause of fear in life and look for Jesus Who is always compassionate and is always walking toward us in the midst of our fear and struggle.

St John in the first reading gives us a way of winning the fears of this world; that is living in the love of God. In love there can be no fear, fear is driven out by perfect love. Living in love of God and also living in love of neighbor invites God to live in our lives, and with God no fear cannot overcome us. God is love and dwells where there is love, and so when we live in love, God will live in us and his love will be perfected in us. We have nothing to fear, and we will overcome every challenge that comes across us. 

Reflect today on the challenges and fears that trouble you and try to deter you from experiencing the love of Christ and the peace he gives. When you feel overwhelmed, reflect on the words Jesus, do not be afraid, it's me. Live in the love of God and God will dwell in you and all your fears will be gone. 

Let us Pray

Almighty Father, help me to always rely on you and your love alone especially when the world brings many challenges in my life. Help me to overcome them by your love and fill me with faith and hope in You and give me the courage to place my trust in you. Amen

Be blessed

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