Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: February 11, 2020, Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time, Year B

Genesis 2:18-25,

Psalm 128: 1-2.3.4-5,

Mark 7:24-30 Full Readings

Our Lady of Lourdes

 Persistence in Prayer

In the Gospel today,  Jesus leaves the borders of Israel and enters the regions of Tyre and Sidon. (Presently these two cities are in Lebanon.) There Jesus encountered a woman identified in the scriptures as the Syrophoenician. In other words, the woman is of Syrian and Phoenician ancestry. The bottom-line is that the woman was not a Jewish woman; she was a foreigner. She must have heard of Jesus for her to run to him for assistance. Despite Jesus’ negative remark on her request, she did not give up, rather she accepted her status but persevered in her request. This show of humility and faith amazed Jesus such that he instantly granted her request. She went home in faith to find her demoniac daughter sober and delivered. The encounter with the Syrophoenician woman tells us that Jesus has no boundaries. Introduces him to all and sundry irrespective of creed.

Brethren, what a great faith this woman had! What persistence was it! Some of us if called a dog we would not even want to see Jesus again but the woman knew what Jesus would do and persisted until her daughter was healed. 

Brethren, how long do you persist in prayer? Do you pray until something happens?  This woman teaches us persistence and patience in prayer. Sometimes God delays to answer our prayer not that He doesn't want to give us what we ask but to test our patience and perseverance in asking and praying to him. Though He might not give us exactly what we ask, at the end, with our persistence in faith, He will give us what is best for us, for others and which gives Him glory. So don't be afraid but stand firm in faith and God will answer us. 

In our own lives, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we deserve the mercy of God. We can think that we have a right to God’s grace. And even though Jesus deeply desires to pour forth His grace and mercy in superabundance on our lives, it is essential that we fully understand our unworthiness before Him. The disposition of this woman’s heart sets for us a perfect example of how we must come to our Lord.

This Syrophoenician woman also teaches us great humility in prayer. Though she was regarded as a dog, she responded in humility, and stayed focused on what she was asking. In fact Jesus didn't mean to regard her as a dog but to test her humility, patience and faith. She passed the test and that's why at last Jesus says, "woman, you have great faith. Let your wish be granted." Therefore brethren, in standing firm and persevering in faith, we need to be guided by humility as well.

Reflect today on how persistent you are in prayer and faith. Do you wait for God to respond to you or you automatically seek others ways to get what you wanted? Is your prayer accompanied with humility, for God listens to the humble and contrite heart? Pray for the gift of patience and humility today.

Let us pray

By your grace, help me always not to be afraid but only stand firm in faith so that at the opportune time, I'll get what you have prepared for me my God. Amen

Be blessed

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