Saturday, February 13, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: February 14, 2021, Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Leviticus 13: 1-2.44-46,

Psalm 32: 1-2.5. 11, 

1 Corinthians 10:31-11: 1;

Mark 1:40-45 Full Readings

Saints Cyril and Methodius

Which Leprosy is Eating You?

Brethren, in the first reading we see all the restrictions on the people who had leprosy in the Jewish community, which are characterised by being cut off from the community. This reading from the Law sets the scene for Jesus’ healing in the gospel-reading. Leprosy in its modern medical sense is a devastating disease, leading to the loss of fingers, and then even whole hands and feet. These biblical regulations were, with good reason, designed to prevent contagion. In biblical times lack of precise diagnosis led to other skin diseases, such as psoriasis and even acne, being lumped together with it. So the worst thing about many of the lesser forms of ‘leprosy’ would have been the isolation, for ‘lepers’ were cut off from all human society, not relating with anybody, touching nobody and going around shouting unclean, unclean. The priests were involved not so much as sacred ministers but as reliable persons to judge the symptoms, though of course the sacrifice of thanks for disappearance of the disease was a genuine religious thanksgiving for God having healed a leper.

In the Gospel however, we see a different scene contrary to the law. A leper  came to Jesus and told him, Lord, if you will heal me. Jesus had pity on him and told him, I do will it, and then touched him and healed him. In the Jewish community, this was not allowed, a leper would not touch anybody and was not even allowed to reach near a rabbi otherwise he or she would be stoned to death. Jesus overrode all these rules and touched him, risking infection, and healed him. Jesus is able to heal us from all leprosy in our lives.

Today, leprosy patients may not be as many as during those days, but we all have spiritual leprosy which is even more dangerous than physical one and needs only Jesus to heal it. It is therefore an invitation today to examine our lives and see that spiritual leprosy which is eating us away, impeding us from loving God and our neighbours and eating away all our peace and happiness; be it anger, resentment, hatred, jealousy, fornication, adultery, egoism, spiritual blindness, ungratefulness and others. Jesus needs to heal us, what we need is to approach Jesus today, and tell him, Lord, if you will, make me clean, with conviction and faith, and he will surely heal us.

Today we are also invited to show love to everyone, especially, those members whom we have excluded from the society due to their behaviours and attitudes, those whom we feel we cannot relate with, the people who are finding it hard to make friends and getting help from others, and those who feel that the world is unfair to them, the sick, marginalised, homeless, prisoners, and all the lowly of the society. As Jesus did risk himself of infection by touching the leper, let us imitate his example and show love to those people who are longing for our love. Remember, the biggest need of a human being is not food, clothing, or any other physical needs, but LOVE. Today, promise yourself to show love to someone in any way you choose as Jesus showed love to the leper. Allow others experience God's love through you and let love and healing abound in all that we do. St Paul tells us in the second reading, that whatever we do, eat, drink or even think should be of greater glory to God and never to offend anybody. Let's continue to imitate Jesus in our lives. 

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus, I come to you as a leper came to you in the Gospel today, asking you that Lord, if you will, heal me. I have much physical and spiritual illness and leprosy, I ask for your forgiveness and healing. And then make me an instrument through which your love will be shown to everyone especially those who feel that all hope is gone. Amen

Be blessed

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