Thursday, February 25, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: February 26, 2021, Friday of the First Week of Lent, Year B

Ez 18:21-28;

Psalm 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7a, 7bc-8;

Mt 5:20-26 Full Readings

Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin

Personal Responsibility

Brethren, on this second Friday of Lent, we are all encouraged and invited to abstain from meat and if possible deny ourselves some food by fasting, for the sake of those who don't have. This will help us to move out to give alms to the anawim of the Lord.

Ezekiel in today's first reading is stressing the aspect of personal responsibility. He assures us that if a wicked person turns away from his or evil deeds, he or she will not die, but will live because he or she has chosen life. On the other hand if a righteous person turns away from his righteousness and chooses evil ways, then all the good which he or she has done will be forgotten, and will die.  This might look unfair, but what Ezekiel is teaching us is that we are responsible for everything we do; whatever we do can either bring us life or lead us to death. It is upon us to choose; we can either choose life or choose death through our actions.

Brethren, the Lord does not count on our past, what matters to him is the present. If one has been a great criminal but comes to God with a humble and contrite heart, God will surely forgive him, for God never rejoices in the death of a person. It's unfortunate that the righteous who turns to evil ways will die if he or she does not repent again. This is why in Jesus' teachings, he addressed the Pharisees and scribes who were self righteous, that the prostitutes and tax collectors will be the first in the kingdom (e.g Mt 21:31). This is because, when the prostitutes and tax collectors heard the Gospel, they repented, believed in it and lived it, and became called children of God. For us who know the gospel and what it requires of us but do not live to it, we condemn ourselves to eternal damnation. We have been given much, much is demanded from us.

Brethren, if we know what to do, and what the Gospel demands of us and don't do it, then we have the righteousness like that of the Pharisees. Jesus in the gospel today tells us that if our righteousness doesn't surpass that of the Pharisees, we are not going to enter heaven. And so if you or have something against your brother or sister, sort it out before you come in front of God. 

God does not need us to come to him when we are not in good terms with our brothers and sisters,  for even God also works through  them. So we should not pretend to go to church, give much offertory, sing dance, while in our hearts we are full of hatred, unforgiveness, envy, bad words, and many things against the gospel values in which we believe; we are doing more harm to ourselves brethren. Living in love with our brothers and sisters is far better than going to church everyday but not living in hatred with your fellows. God is love and dwells where there is love, and so love of God and neighbour is sufficient. 

Our invitation today therefore is that: Let us be humble, truthful to ourselves and live an authentic life. We have been given more, we are demanded more. Let us remember that the small sins we do and we tend to ignore, become big as time goes on and in the long run become our habits and finally our destiny. If the Lord would mark our iniquities, who would stand? Nobody! And therefore, let us bear personal responsibility for all we do and if we do something wrong, let us come back to God who is always waiting for the return of the sinner and he will surely forgive us.

 Let us Pray

Lord Jesus, give me strength and courage to be responsible for all my actions and their consequences. Help me to live in good harmony with my brother's and sisters so that I will be worthy to come into your presence. Amen

Be blessed

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