Monday, February 1, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: February 02, 2021, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Year B

Malachi 3: 1-4;

Psalm 24:;

Hebrews 2: 14-18;

Luke 2:22-40 Full Readings

Presentation of the Lord

Being Consecrated to Christ.

Brethren, today we celebrate the presentation of Jesus in the Temple, done after 40 days after his birth. On the same day we celebrate the day of consecrated religious and those of Apostolic life societies. It is an invitation to consecrate ourselves to Christ in serving him and loving his people.

Those who are living the vocation of consecrated life have given themselves in service of God as celibates. In a culture that embraces norms of sexual promiscuity and material luxury, someone living a life of joy without these things is surely a sign of contradiction. Living a joy-filled life–set apart in service to God and others–speaks loudly to many restless hearts trying to fill the emptiness of a life without Christ. May the Lord bless consecrated souls and help us all to live a joyful life that honors Christ. 

The Gospel of today describes how Joseph, as the head of the Holy Family of Nazareth, presented Mary and the baby Jesus in the Temple of God, for the mother’s purification and the child’s “redemption.” It also describes the Holy Family’s encounter with the old prophet Simeon and the holy widow Anna. In his prophecy, Simeon extols the divine blessings which the Messiah is bringing to Israel and to all men, and predicts that Mary will play a crucial and sacrificial role in her son’s redemptive work by sharing in his sufferings. 

Do you approach the Lord Jesus with expectant faith or with skeptical doubt? People in desperate or helpless circumstances were not disappointed when they sought Jesus out. What drew them to Jesus?  Was it hope for a miracle or a word of comfort in their affliction? What did the elderly woman who had suffered miserably for twelve years expect Jesus to do for her? And what did a grieving father expect Jesus to do for his beloved daughter who was at the point of death? Jesus gave hope where there seemed to be no human cause for it because his hope was directed to God. He spoke words of hope to the woman (Take heart, daughter!) to ignite the spark of faith in her (your faith has made you well!).

The Baby Jesus could not speak for Himself at His Presentation in the Temple, for He was only forty days old. Others, however, spoke for Him. Joseph and Mary would have spoken to the temple officials as His parents, Simeon (Lk 2:29ff) and Anna (Lk 2:38) prophesied for Him. It’s still like this today.

Though the Baby Jesus did grow up and speak eloquently about the Kingdom of God, many are unable to hear Him. That’s why God has sent us. There are many who need to hear about this Child. God has placed us in their paths as siblings, children, parents,  co-workers, neighbors, enemies,  and so on. May we be as ready and willing to speak about the Child Jesus as were Simeon and Anna. They prepared to speak about Jesus through the discipline of a life of devotion.  When the appropriate moment came, they simply spoke out of the abundance of their hearts (Lk 6:45). Ask God for the Holy Spirit so you too may do the same (Lk 11:13).

In both instances we see Jesus' personal concern for the needs of others and his readiness to heal and restore life. In Jesus we see the infinite love of God extending to each and every individual as he gives freely and wholly of himself to each person he meets. Do you approach the Lord with confident expectation that he will hear your request and act?

As we celebrate the presentation of the Lord, we are called to present ourselves anew to God. This means to continually worship God in spirit and in truth like Simeon and Anna. The scripture describes Simeon as a very upright and devout man and Anna as a widow who continues to serve God day and night in fasting and prayer. This no doubt earns them the privilege of recognizing the Messiah in the midst of the many children that are brought to the temple that day. One thing to learn at the presentation of the Lord is that he is not just a light to the nations and the glory of Israel but also a sign that is spoken against, a sign of contradiction. Despite all the odds, let us focus on God and daily renew our commitment to him.

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus, you love each of us individually with a unique and personal love. Touch my life with your saving power, heal and restore me to fullness of life. Help me to give wholly of myself in loving service to others. Amen 

Happy feast day of the consecrated religious, all the elderly people and Be blessed

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