Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: April 1, 2021, Holy Thursday Evening, Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Year B

Exodus 12:1-8. 11-14,

Psalm 116: 12- 13,

1 Corinthians 11:23-26,

John 13: 1-15               Full Readings        See also Chrism Mass Reflection

 Saint Hugh of Grenoble

Extra-Ordinary Humility

Brethren, today we start the Easter Triduum, meaning the three days of intense prayer and  commemorating the crucifixion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The time has drawn near for Jesus to Glorify God and himself to be glorified by God. But before he left this world he gave us an example for us to follow on the day of the celebration of the feast of the Passover. As we have seen in the first Reading, the Feast of the Passover was to be celebrated every year remembering the passing over of God when he was killing Egyptian first borns, remembering the love God showed to his people. It is on this feast that the Lord established a new covenant between God and his people and gave us a new command, a love command, characterised by humility and service for others.

This is why us Catholics call this Thursday Maundy Thursday. “Maundy” comes from the Latin word mandatum, meaning a command. It is the day when Jesus gave us his final command which was a summary of his life, what he had done and said, that is, love in humility and service. This was a perfect example he left for us as his followers.

Jesus showed this example through washing of the feet of the disciples, which was unheard of, for the  master washed the feet of his servants. He then commanded them to do the same to their fellows.  At the heart of Jesus' mission was service to humanity through his deeds, miracles, way of life and words. It was therefore handed on to us to continue that spirituality of service to everyone. Today, we are invited to imitate Jesus in being servants in whatever position we are. 

Peter was overwhelmed by Jesus’ humility and at first refused to have his Lord wash his feet.  But Jesus says something that rings true for all eternity: “Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me.”  This was not ordinary washing, it was not in reference only to the washing of Peter’s dirty feet, it was an eternal washing of his immortal soul, and the “water” would soon flow forth from the pierced and Sacred Heart of Jesus Himself. These words are said to us today, unless we accept Jesus in our lives to wash us from all our sins and let his Mercy act through us, then we have no inheritance with him. Reflect today upon those words of Jesus to Peter. It takes humility to accept the humblest act of mercy ever known.  We must humbly acknowledge that we need our Lord to cleanse us, to wipe the dirt from our souls, to redeem us and to offer us the inheritance of everlasting life.

Lastly, Jesus institutes the Eucharist today, the act of Thanksgiving to the Father and invited us to take part in it in remembrance to him for when we partake in Eucharist, we proclaim his death, profess his resurrection until he comes again, as St Paul tell us in the second reading. It is a new Passover which our Lord Jesus left for us, it is where we meet him in his Body and Blood. Reflect today on how deep is your love for Eucharist, how deep is your faith in believing that Jesus is there in the Eucharist, how often do you receive him, and what stops you from receiving him. If you don't receive him, today is the day to pray for all those impediments so that you may receive him. Let us build and grow more in our love for Eucharist.

We pray today that we may always imitate Jesus and follow his example. We pray that we may be counted in the holy disciples not in those which he said that not all are holy. We pray for the continual love of Eucharist and that as we start this Holy Triduum by Jesus’ Goodbye we may be able to walk with Jesus to the cross and resurrection with him. 

Let us pray.

My merciful Lord, Your humility is awe-inspiring and overwhelming.  Please wash me clean with the blood and water flowing forth from Your pierced Heart.  Help me to receive this gift in the way it was given: with humility. I thank You, I say “Yes” to Your gift, I receive You and I invite You to cleanse me.  I am a sinner, dear Lord. I need Your cleansing action in my life so that I may be Holy as you are. Amen

Happy feast day and for all priests, may you be a source of Jesus to us. 

Reminder. Tomorrow we are starting divine mercy novena, so join in to pray for God's mercy upon the world.


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