Monday, March 15, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: March 16, 2021, Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent, Year B

Ezekiel 47:1— 9.12;

Psalm 46:2-3.5-6.8-9;

John 5: 1 – 16 Full Readings

Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer

Life Flows From Jesus

Brethren, today’s readings speak of the healing power of water. Next to air, water is the other element that living organisms most need to survive and thrive. Human beings, animals and plants cannot go for so long without water before they die. Communities, nations have been known to go to war in order to secure access to water, and many people and animals, as we watch news, are dying of drought because of lack of water. Some of the water shortage is  as a result of human error, and numerous communities across the globe are experiencing water shortage. Humans, animals and plants in those places are threatened with extinction. We may not be able to do much to solve the water problems of the world. But we can at least do all in our power to meet the water needs of those around us – “I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink.”

In the first reading we see water flowing from the sanctuary giving life everywhere it passes, and plants would bear sweet and good fruits for everyone to enjoy. Their fruits serve for food, and their leaves for medicine. God put into the heart of the prophet Ezekiel a vision of the rivers of living water flowing from God's heavenly throne to bring healing and restoration to his people. We begin to see the fulfillment of this restoration taking place when the Lord Jesus announces the coming of God's kingdom and performs signs and miracles in demonstration of the power of that kingdom. Jesus is the new Sanctuary and from him flows the healing and living water as it came from his side at the Cross. From him also flows love, grace and mercy which sustains us in this life and prepares us for eternal life which we await with hope at the end of time. Let us therefore, come to Jesus as the source of all life both on this earth and in the next life.


In the Gospel, Jesus restores life to a man who had been ill for 38 years. One of the key signs which John points out in his Gospel account takes place in Jerusalem when Jesus went up to the temple during one of the great Jewish feasts (John 5:1-9). As Jesus approached the temple area he stopped at the pool of Bethzatha which was close by. Many Jews brought their sick relatives and friends to this pool. John tells us that a "multitude of invalids, blind, lame, paralyzed" were laid there on the pavement surrounding the pool (John 5:3). This pool was likely one of the ritual baths used for purification for people before they went into the temple to offer prayers and sacrifice. On certain occasions, especially when the waters were stirred, the lame and others with diseases were dipped in the pool in the hope that they might be cured of their ailments.

The sick man felt helpless because he had no friends to help him bathe in the purifying waters of the pool. Are you a friend who is able to help the other when in problem, or just a friend in good times only? Despite his many years of unanswered prayer, he still waited by the pool in the hope that help might come his way. Jesus offered this incurable man not only the prospect of help but total healing as well. Jesus first awakened faith in the paralyzed man when he put a probing question to him, "Do you really want to be healed?" This question awakened a new spark of faith in him. Jesus then ordered him to "get up and walk!" Now the sick man had to put his new found faith into action. He decided to take the Lord Jesus at his word and immediately stood up and began to walk freely.


The Lord Jesus approaches each one of us with the same probing question, "Do you really want to be healed - to be forgiven, set free from guilt and sin, from uncontrollable anger and other disordered passions, and from hurtful desires and addictions. The first essential step towards freedom and healing is the desire for change. If we are content to stay as we are, then no amount of coaxing will change us. The Lord will not refuse anyone who sincerely asks for his pardon, mercy, and healing. Reflect today on where you have hope for you life, give your life to Jesus the source of all life, so that you will live well and produce good fruits, so that by your fruits, people will give glory to your Father in heaven.

Let Us Pray.

Lord Jesus, put within my heart a burning desire to be changed and transformed in your way of holiness. Let your Holy Spirit purify my heart and renew in me a fervent love and desire to do whatever is pleasing to you and to refuse whatever is contrary to your will, so that in whatever I do, I may withdraw life from you.

Be Blessed

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