Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: March, 18 2021, Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent, Year B

Exodus 32:7- 14;

Psalm 106:19-20.21-22.23;

John 5:31-47 Full Readings

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

Witnesses to Jesus' Identity and Mission 

Brethren, today we continue our reflection on the identity, person and mission of Jesus, from Sunday up to today. As we have seen, Jesus is a Son of God, who came to earth to give life in fullness to whoever believes in Him (John 3:16) and save us from our sins as the promised Messiah whom God had promised when the first man sinned. However, it was difficult for the Jews to believe in Jesus as the promised Messiah and that is why we see many confrontations with Jesus especially when he calls himself Son of God (John 5:18). This did not stop Jesus from fulfilling his mission and he first tells the Jews the relationship between him and God, his father, as we saw in yesterday's gospel. This still was not easy for Jews to understand and in today's Gospel which continues the confrontation of Jesus with the Jewish leaders on the Temple, Jesus points out the witnesses that witness to his divinity and his mission as the saviour of the world. All these were to bring the kingdom of God here on earth but also that all will believe and have life everlasting with God. these witness are:

Jesus cites the testimonies which bear witness to him. First the testimony of John (v. 31-35). This was especially important because in the synoptic Gospels, when Jesus is challenged about his own authority he replies, asking them to explain John’s authority, and they do not dare to answer, for John had been so revered. The Gospel point out very well that John came to prepare a way for Jesus as seen through his teachings and his message, for instance, in John 1:27, where he say that the one coming after him is more mightier than him and he cannot untie his shoes; in John 1:29 where he pointed his disciple to Jesus as the lamb of God, and in other Gospel passages. Jesus starts his mission as soon as John is beheaded from the prison fulfilling the message of John. 

The second testimony is that of the works which the Father has given Jesus (v. 35-36). In the synoptic Gospels the wonderful works of Jesus in healing, restoring, gathering in sinners and outcasts, are all manifestations of the coming of the Kingship of God. In the Gospel of John they are signs that Jesus is doing the work of the Father. Through miracles, Jesus also gradually reveals his identity and mission on earth.

The third witness is the testimony of the Father (v. 37-38). Since they do not receive this testimony, ‘his word finds no home in you’  this is perhaps the internal witness of God in the conscience.This can also be confirmed as he tells the Jews the relationship between him and his Father as we saw yesterday, and therefore, God himself is a perfect witness to his identity and mission, he does not need any human witness. This is an encouragement to us. If we are doing God’s work, and people fail or refuse to show us recognition, it should not disturb us. It is enough that we have recognition from God whose work we are doing.

The fourth witness is the scriptures (v. 39-47), a witness which the Jewish authorities refused to accept. Consequently Moses, on whom they rely, will be a witness against them. In the formation of the New Testament the fulfilment of the scriptures was particularly important. Even the oldest creedal testimony, given by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15.3-5, twice mentions ‘according to the scriptures’ – both Jesus’s death and his resurrection. The Jews, however, would not accept that these scriptures witnessed Jesus. In this way those who believe only in Old Testament have half truth for the New Testament is the fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies and promises through the person of Jesus. 

Reflect today on the wonderful fundamental truths of our Christian faith, that Jesuis the Son of God who came to earth to give life in abundance by saving us from sin that causes death. Do you believe in this fundamental truth or you're like the Jews who up today cannot believe in Jesus as the promised Messiah. Though Jesus was rejected and not recognised by the Jews as the Messiah, he did not give up his mission and therefore, we are encouraged that  if we are doing God’s work, and people fail or refuse to show us recognition, it should not disturb us. It is enough that we have recognition from God whose work we are doing.

Let Us Pray

Lord God, give me  the necessary graces that I need to accept Jesus as the Messiah and saviour and courage to proclaim this truth to everyone so that we all may come to believe in him as one flock with one shepherd Jesus Christ. Amen

Be blessed

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